Sunday, October 27, 2024

And We Are Back!

 At last the refight has begun.

(I swapped out a few units to make matching photo to game easier.)

To be continued....

Saturday, October 26, 2024

A Good Day

It was a very good day with a number of long time friends. 

I don't often appear in my own blog but that handsome young fellow with white hair and beard is me.

We played a few turns then broke for lunch, joined by another of our old group and never got around to going back to the game 

I have to confess that at least 3 of us were not exactly enthusiastic about B____ P_____, which was my opinion when they first came out and a number of us tried them, several times.

As old Doc Ruddy used to say: "You pays your money and takes your pick."

Friday, October 25, 2024

Week? What Week?

 Friday already?!?

Well, it seemed like a good plan. There were few projects and chores on my list, none of them urgent really (I earned 5 stars for procrastination) and I had reset the table, fiddled the rules again, should be easy enough to replay...ENNGGGHHH!  "Wrong!".......

Sunday I'll play, I thought, but an old err longtime friend is back in town for a visit. Oh well, toy soldiers are patient so last Sunday I drove the 45 minutes into the city to play in a 25mm Dragon Rampant game with 3 long time friends. 

Monday came.....oh, ok, OK this needs doing, and maybe a Nor-easter blowing in? Maybe,. Well, better get around to this and that first, after all "Winter is Coming!" .......... I'll play Saturday........ then I got another invite with the old gang (dating back to the late 70's for me) for 10mm Black Powder on Saturday.....let me see........ 

A 12mm game from last year, probably 4 of us. There was hard fighting and one side or other probably won. Those closest to the camera were under my command.

So....maybe Sunday for the chores then.......