Friday, July 26, 2024



Did anyone but the French not see this coming?

To be continued....

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Enemy In Sight!

It's been one of those days, but everything's ready.

One of the guerrilla bands of freed slaves has agreed to act as scouts for the French outpost.

"Look!  Enemy in sight!"

There's the French Sir!

To be continued.....

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Coming Soon To A Virtual Island Near You!

The troops appear happy to be back on their own feet (ok washer/base). I'm going to need more jungle-ish terrain, even over and above the excess plastic plants which are stored away ...somewhere....   And trees, I bought more palm trees of a similar height, but their fronds are about 1/4 of the size, I guess they are farther away.......or...??,  Well, I have enough vegetation to get started with a small encounter with a half dozen units a side, or maybe more. 

Hold the bridge!

To be continued........

Having organized and rebased (a total of  over 100 figures to go the close to 100 old period figures still mounted on washers. 

I also had to adjust the rules, including some old ideas which had been rolled in virtual cobwebs and put away in case I ever wanted to go back to this level and approach, as I do. 

Hopefully the guns will open fire tomorrow.

More vegetation, villages, mountains, etc to follow.