Saturday, July 4, 2015

Year 6

Yes, today is 5 years since my heart attack. It seems longer somehow and with health better than it has been in years I thought about giving up my commemoration of the event but sometimes its good to be mindful and thankful, especially after a 12 month where there have been so many deaths in my life, mother, mother in law, my sister in law's brother, a friend, one of my wife's friends, Hector, Xena the Warrior Bunny, Fat cat (ok there was great rejoicing at that one), have I forgotten anyone? Anyway, its good to be alive for a while yet.  What's the saying? Vallar Morghulis?

Anyway this is also 1/2 way through my 6th year of blogging which is almost harder to grasp. Good thing the data storage is free thus far.

Five years ago and already experimenting with a grid as I convalesced.

But what's ahead in the nearer future?

More of this for starters! 

After all this searching things are feeling more settled than they have so far at  any point in this century. So, more late 19C colonial-ish figures, terrain and games, more 40mm medieval fantasy on Gathering of Hosts, and probably less variety in the short term.

Gathering of Hosts starts taking itself even less seriously.

But don't fret, experience suggests it won't last. Today I got confident enough to finally haul a pile of my hills out to the "workshop" corner of the woodshed so I could run them through the tablesaw to square up corners and bring them to multiples of 3" as much as possible as well as testing the process of cutting some scraps of 1/4" masonite into bases. I think I need a sharper blade with smaller teeth for that chore.  While I was there I looked at the the stacks of molds from several different periods, makes, and ranges and thought "This money is already spent, I need to make more use of more of these".  Not sure yet what that means, time will tell!



  1. Very happy you're still with us, old bean.

    Best Regards,


  2. Congratulations on passing the five-year milestone, Ross. Good for you, sir . . . and good for us too as we can keep being inspired by your posts.

    -- Jeff

  3. Ross Mac,

    Is it really that long? (I mean the blogging, not since your heart attack.) May you continue to enjoy improving good health ... and your wargaming!

    Like you I am looking at the huge pile of wargaming stuff that I own and deciding that I need to use more of it, if I can.

    All the best,


    1. and about 16 years since Macduff went on the web and started posting rules and articles on colonial games. Doesn't seem possible.

  4. Happy to read these lines Ross...good news and good pictures as well...

  5. Here's hoping many happy returns of the day ! , Tony

  6. That's celebrating your survival - not the heart attack , Tony

  7. All the best, Ross - you are an inspiration and a shiner of lights in the dark. Here's to many more years of the same!

  8. I am also glad you're here and blogging! I love the photos, and your thoughts on rules, and game reports and everything. Here's to another 5 (or 6), and many more beyond that!
    Celebrating life!

    1. Life is good. and thanks for the feedback and ideas over the years

  9. Me too re your blog- you are such an inspiration in my gaming ,thank you!
    Best Wishes

  10. Hello ROSS- thought to say hello from Australia. Very glad that You are in Good Health and to see Your Projects very much progressing nicely- well done. I had a Mars Colonial Blog in 40mm - though after a five week Journey through the UK and Europe I've returned to an old haunting ground with a NEW Blog about my 15mm Dwarf Project...'Dwarf Rhelm in 15mm' pleased to know what You think about it. Regards. KEV.

    1. Hope you enjoyed your grand tour Kev. I'll check out the new blog.

  11. and many more years of blogging to you.

  12. Congratulations on the two anniversaries! May there be many more of both!

  13. May it long continue for you, Ross.

  14. I will share your articles with my friends, i think they will like them just like me. What's more, can you update them more frequently? archeagegold4u

  15. Keep going, Ross! Look after the old ticker - you provide an oasis of sanity in a mad, horrid world! Best of British!

  16. Hi Ross,
    We are at that age when more of those around us are no longer around us. It's part of the journey, but not a very nice part. Glad to see that otherwise things seem to be going well. Keep on keeping on.


    P.S. You would not believe how much I miss Hector -- and I never even met him!

  17. Keep going Ross - and re the first photo - let's have more dogs playing wargames!
