Friday, March 14, 2025

The End Of The Crossroad

Well, this wasn't what I had in my mind when I sent drummers around the 19thC shelves to beat the assembly in preparation for a game, but its over now and about 4 sets of rules have been tried for a couple of turns each. I now have some evidence and recent experience for the committee (yes, yes, the usual: Me, Myself and I).  

The Queen's troops got to the town first but the Republic's troops deployed quickly and launched a two prong attack. (Random turn and road of entry.)

The grid is off though. It has its merits, but my 40mm Horse & Musket are too big to work properly with the grid that is painted onto the table and I am NOT going to repaint it AGAIN!  Anyway, I like my table the way it is, and the way the troops are based. So, the grid is off, but it would be anyway for these armies.  

A passing balloon caught this bird's eye photo as the battle progressed.

Over the last year, I've been investigating different approaches to the rules for these lads. All of the versions had something to say in their favour and some problems. In some cases I've found acceptable compromises and in other cases I have still to decide on different approaches (eg sequence of play, variable length moves vs activation, ranges, how resilient should the units be, etc, etc...)  Some of those options have been decided,  but there are still some decisions for me to make.  

The fighting got fierce and victory hung in the balance.

In any case, I'm ready to let it ride for the moment and turn my head to another collection/period.

As the day wound to an end and a bugler blew "Last Turn", the Boys in Blue (and Grey) launched a forlorn assault on the town but the Lads in Red held firmly onto the tavern, and the bulk of the houses.

The question now is: "What should I play next?"  It'll have to be one of my 8 active collections, but requests by comment or email will be considered.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Oh Well....

..At least I tried.

By the time I had played through roughly half the game, I'd had my fill of the gridded game, soooooooo...........

A quick shuffle here and there, a few tweaks to the off grid rules I used for the last couple of Oberhilse and Faraway games, and things are going smoothly again.  

Monday, March 10, 2025

So Far, So Good

 There's been a lot of experimenting but things are coming together.

More to come!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Thinking Outside The Box

My brain often seems to solve problems better when I'm not trying.  

In this instance, I was looking at the table, all set for an off grid game when I found my mind thinking something along the line of ”too bad I couldn't have a 3 stand battalion straddle 2 squares". Minutes later I thought ”yeah, why can't I?”. Minutes later........

3 or 4 stand infantry battalions straddle 2 squares. 

......with a new version of the rules in hand, the test battle was underway. So far, so good.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

CUT!!!!!! Let's take it from the start.

Another attempt at standardization has failed.  The grid has some advantages BUT also some restrictions. 

For example, my 1830-1850 armies were resurrected as 3 stand infantry battalions with each stand being a "company" (as in Charge! but 6 figures instead of  19!) with the expectation that the "companies" could form as a battalion or be detached to occupy a house or guard a bridge etc.  Each of my squares hold 2 companies.......hmmm.... .  Its easier to just treat each stand as a "unit" and forget battalions or to increase my battalions to two stand "wings" but somehow it all just wasn't satisfying, especially from the narrative point of view.  

So, I've decided to go back to where I was last fall without the grid, but with the 3 stand infantry battalions.  The table has been reset and the first turns played as the approaching columns arrive at various times, and begin to deploy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Meanwhile, Back On The Table

 Its just one of those weeks. 

Oberhilse presses a three prong assault on the town.

Balloon's Eye View.

More to come.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


 The Battle has begun......

To be continued....

Monday, February 24, 2025

They Went Down To The Crossroad.....


Coming soon: Oberhilse and Faraway meet again.

"There's going to be a brawl"

Friday, February 21, 2025

Coming Out Of Winter Quarters

I have an odd attachment to these shiny 40mm, 1830's to 1840's toy soldiers.

Under the current rules, each stand is a "Company".  2 stands in a square may form a line or a march column. Up to four stands in one square may form a "square" facing 4 directions, or a "mass" 2 wide and 2 deep.

Hopefully there will be a game on Sunday.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

I'm Going Down To the Crossroad.

I was quite happy with squares instead rulers last Saturday, and it has encouraged me to dust off and update my Square Brigadier rules and give them another go. 


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Save The Cows!

In the days when the Roman Empire was beset on all sides and Britain was told to defend itself, some of the garrisons remained to fight the Saxon and Pictish raiders. In those days, heroes rose to the cause, and the bards sang of legendary heroes who fought to hold back the darkness. This is one of those tales:


(Note: this was a wargame played out at a community games day. It was designed for 2 to 4 players and possibly a GM, but as it happened, we settled with just 2 of us and it was a close fought game to the last turn. The figures are largely Elastolin 4cm figures, a few originals, and many more of the unpainted kits that showed up in the US when Elastolin dropped the range. Many of the unpainted kits and broken figures were converted once they fell into my hands.)

The Duke's cavalry showing off their skill at the Cantabrian Circle if not at shooting. 

The Scenario: A local British 'Duke' whose scouts have reported that a warband of Saxons and Picts had gotten past Hadrian's Wall and was raiding at will. He has ordered this village to be ready to evacuate as many of the cattle and stores as possible if the enemy appeared.  The local Romano-British Count is on the trail of the raiders. 

Rules: Last year I decided to try going back off the grid for a while and resume variable length moves. It allows more flexibility but prolongs the time needed to complete a turn, mostly due to the constant dice rolling and the measuring. Last week I decided to give the grid another chance and in many ways I was happy to be able to spend my time and thoughts on the battle plan rather than rolling endless movement dice and low level manoeuvres.

(Current version)

Duke Stephen deploys his warriors to give his Lady to organize the business of moving the cattle, sheep, and a cart of valuables and food to safety. To his joy, before the fighting begins in earnest, the Count has arrived to join forces. (1d6=turn# or less).

The hand to hand fighting was fierce but the first Pictish assault was repulsed. Behind the British battle line, the evacuation was slower and less orderly than hoped. (Units, including animals and their herders, have to roll to move if not in command range. ) Beyond the town, the RomanoBritish held back most of the Saxons.)

As the Saxons moved forward and plunged into town, the British were forced back, but they did their best to give the herders as much time to escape as possible.

At last the convoy, or most of it, got together, led by the Duchess. Slowly, but steadily, the Picts pushed forward through the town while sending their cavalry around the flank where they captured their supper on the hoof and the cart. The prize bull, 2 pairs of cows and the flock of sheep got away under British escort. 

It was a very good afternoon, and a pleasure to rejoin the Tabletop Games group at one of their Quarterly days. I'm looking forward to the next one. Hopefully we'll entice a few more wargamers to join us.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Hold The Pass!

It was winter in 1544. France and England were once again at war and King Henry VIII had laid siege to Boulogne.   When word came of an approaching relief force, the Earl of Belmont was sent out to stop them. 

The English scoffed at a bunch of Frogs and Germans but then scouts reported a contingent of Scots, eager to seek revenge for Flodden. Well, the English were used to beating Scots as well Frogs. The Duke deployed his army on a ridge at the head of a pass through a hilly, wooded stretch of land.  

The French, their allies, and mercenaries, pressed quickly forward on a broad front. The main force consisted of three blocks of pikemen one French, one Landsknecht and one Scots. A screen of light cavalry and shot covered the gaps and did their best to weaken the English archers, 

The French and Mercenary pikes were held by the Billmen but there were not enough of them and the Scots rolled over a line of Bowmen and a handful of billmen.

Both the French and Landsknects were forced back but the Scots were now unopposed as they wheeled to pursue. The sun was sinking and the Earl began to feel that he could still hold out if he was careful. 

While the French were reforming and renewing their attack, the skirmishing by light troops resumed and numbers began to tell. The Duke decided to pull back slowly hoping the French would stop at dusk but his casualties had been heavier than he thought and his army was ready to break, so he sent over a herald to request a meeting while ordering his army to retreat quickly but in order, ready to fight.

There would be another place and another day for him to stop the French.

Note on the figures: These armies are 40mm, about 2/3 are home cast most original sculpts but some based on conversions of Meisterzinn homecast figures The rest are from here and there including a number of slightly smaller Elastolins, many from kits rather than the original factory painted ones. I included the smaller figures because they are so wonderful. The armies were started for a game co-hosted with Rob Dean at Cold Wars 20 years ago.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How Went The Battle?

 It was a long and bloody affair. Check in on Friday to find out more.


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

"Just a roll on the drum and the war has begun"

Well, this war actually started 20 years ago, but I have high hopes of the game being finished tomorrow.

Note: Post title from lyrics of Fairport Convention "Sloth" (Full House album.) Ahh the 70's!

Monday, February 3, 2025

"The trumpets to the cannons, the cannons to the heavens"

In other words, the battle has begun!

The English have taken up a position on a ridge across a pass in some hilly ground and defied the French to dislodge them. As the French begin their attack, the English cannon open fire. 

40mm figures. About 60% are original homecast figures, the rest are a mix including Elastolins, Mertan,  a handful of modified Irregular, a couple of Perry's and a few odds and ends.

To be continued....

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Meanwhile, Back in France....waaay back.

The table is reset, the rules have been slightly revised, (one page rules here), a scenario designed, and there is no other plan for the day. 

What are the odds that something will interfere? I think I'd rather not know!

The French army finds the pass blocked.

These 40mm armies are mostly original homecast figures,  reinforced by various commercial figures and some Elastolins.

To be continued.....

Sunday, January 26, 2025


 After a short council to decide what period should be played next, a 2:1 vote decided on the 16thC.

Just A Roll On The Drum
Aug 2021
An old chestnut of a scenario from a well known wargame book. My American hardcover was published in 1970, my 2nd book on wargaming, bought with one of my first paychecks from Her Majesty. 

But, before I play the game,  I need to pick, or make up, a scenario, make some repairs (esp dropped weapons)  AND. maybe even a new stand or so, maybe. 

It'll be a few days before the game hits the table.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Speaking of Trains: From The 2020 Archives:

Lots of domestic duties today, "domestic" including tidying my games room and setting up my table for another game as well as the usual house stuff and errands. I might even get a start on painting something if the various chores leave time, or start a game.....

Anyway, instead of something new, here's a link to a  54mm train game from July 2020.  

Origawn forces had mined the tracks, blown them as a Dominion train passed by, and then opened fire with a battery on the heights, but they hadn't been expecting the cargo to dismount and fight back.....

Here is an excerpt of a 2005 post explaining where the inspiration for the scenario came from: ".......1951 Civil War drama called "Drums in the Deep South". Typical stuff, best friends from West Point now on opposite sides, girl in the middle. However,  one aspect of the movie caught my imagination. The Reb officer has dragged a battery up onto a vertical sided, rocky, hill overlooking a train track feeding Sherman's army, his old Yankee friend of course, is the one given the task of clearing him out. Well, since I now have just such a rocky outcrop, a train, and some toy soldiers...".

Irregular service will continue shortly.....

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Incident At Belmont Station

"Were you there Grandpa?"

"Sure thing! I was a Corporal with the Belmont Fusiliers, and we were in the midst of it."

"Let me see......yes, the regular patrol and resupply train was just passing when suddenly,
 the morning was shattered by gunfire! The Oerbergers had broken the truce!
We grabbed our rifles and fell in to wait for orders."

"We figured we'd be sent to reinforce the company of Ross's Rifles that was acting as train guards but before we got our orders, there was a roar and a pile of smoke as the train started to cross the bridge. The  train came to a halt but we cheered when it was clear that the bridge was not going to fall apart wrecking the train."    
"As we crossed the river, Mounted Oerbergers appeared from their hidden lairs and galloped towards the disabled train. Once we opened fire though, they hopped off their horses and replied with a storm of bullets."

Things were looking tight until Larson's Lancers crossed the river. Their trumpeter blew charge and the enemy's horsemen turned and fled. It was the end.   We loaded our rifles, carried the wounded to the town for the medics to treat, and we began to dig graves. 

Sunday Morning Paper Headline


A brief telegram has reported that Oerburg has broken the treaty without warning, crossed the border, and ambushed a routine train carrying supplies for her Majesty's frontier posts.  

Details to follow when they are available.

Friday, January 17, 2025

The 10:00 Train

Belmont Station on a warm winter day. 

"Train coming Sir!"

"Right-O. that's the 10:00. They'll be going straight through and over the bridge.
Bugler, sound the all clear." 

"Sir? We haven't had any trouble with the Oerbergers for more than a year. Do you think they've given it up?"
" They're crafty folk son. You never know when or where they're going to pop up,  They could drawing a bead on you right now or planning an ambush on that train!    Best keep a sharp watch or they may sneak up and steal your lunch!" be continued

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Right, An Early 20thC Colonial Game........Let's See.....

Hmm.....attack a ridge?...Hmm...did that one of the last Colonial games....

Assault on North Village

 ..reverse the attacker?..hmm..naah...... Ambush a convoy?......  done that....I think that was a while ago, BUT we just did a 1790's version.    Hmmm.....naah!

Hmm, maybe a night attack to seize a prominent, steep, rocky hill, and then hold until relieved?  Yeah, but...too much terrain to make, and I'd need to add more figures, and.......  

What armoured train ambush? Haven't done that in a while......

2014 Ambush At New Station

I wonder where my train is......somewhere in the cupboard under the eaves......must go looking....

Please stand by....

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Fighting in Oerberg resumes!

 Very useful aides are those readers who comment now and then, especially when I'm looking for inspiration for the next game.  I had almost forgotten that my early 20thC Colonial forces had been in standby since 2023 

See Battle of Bridgetown Oct 2023

I've dug them out, just may add a few more figures, and am pondering scenarios. So, stay tuned we're heading for warmer climes!

Friday, January 10, 2025

An Uneasy Truce

Well, here we are well into the 2025 winter campaigning season but peace has fallen over my wargame table due to Domestic affairs (ie various household chores and  projects).

 However, we have archives!

Here is a repeat of a January game from 10 years ago

Let Us Cross Over The Rivers

Our impression of the feel of a game is often as important as the reality of how it played. When I look at the actual mechanisms there are only two main differences from previous versions of my game: movement by both sides followed by shooting by both sides and finally charge resolution rather than alternate turns with one side moving and shooting and resolving charges then the other, and the substitution of temporary groups for fixed units. In some ways these changes made very little difference to how the game played or to the outcome but the change in play sequence in particular made a world of difference to the feel. It is not a particularly new or innovative play sequence rather it is pretty much drawn from Featherstone and from Lawford and Young  but that is perhaps the point. Its comfortable like an old pair of slippers and feels right for Old School glossy wargame figures yet the game maintained the convenience of the grid and a small number of figures.

Since the game is no longer a variant of the Square Brigadier I have decided to settle on the name The Tin Army.
General Grey arrives and is briefed by the commander of the Oberhilse advance guard.
The scenario has a small detachment of Faraway troops defending a river crossing on a quiet sector of the front. In this case there is a nice straight canal crossed by 1 bridge and a larger river crossed by 2. Oberhilse must capture a route across both bodies of water to win. Faraway must hold all of the bridges to win. The forces appear in dribs and drabs in what was supposed to be random order but dice being what they are, they all appeared in order! 

Rather annoyingly, the scenario breaks from the usual format of "units" and occasionally 1/2 units to speak of companies, troops, squadrons and units without specifying what each was intended to represent. So for example there are 2 companies in the front village and the rest of the unit in the rear village. Ok so is that 2 and 2? 2 and 1 ? 2 and 8?  No hint of proportion. If my own organization was fixed it would have been easier but eventually, taking into consideration what was available, I settled on the following. 

Faraway or Red Army: 8 infantry and 2 cavalry and a commander in the small town , 8 more infantry and 2 more cavalry in the bigger one. Reinforcements eventually included the General, 4 more cavalry with the cavalry commander, a commander  and 16 infantry, another commander with  8 infantry and an MG, and last but not least, a field gun. (in Red and Khaki) Total: General, 4 Commanders, 8 cavalry, 40 infantry, 1 MG, 1 gun 

Oberhilse or Blue Army: 8 infantry and 4 cavalry under a Commander followed eventually by an MG and further 8 cavalry for the advance guard, another 8 cavalry and commander, a field gun and 3 "battalions" each with a commander and 16 infantry. (in Blue and Field Grey) Total: General, 5 Commanders, 20 cavalry, 56 infantry, 1 MG, 1 gun.
The game lasted 16 turns and probably lasted 2 1/2 to 3 hours. I spent too long fiddling with rules, taking pictures and just plain looking at the figures and used up my block of "me" time so had to finish it 1 or 2 turns at a time over two days when I could grab a minute. 

I'm not going to attempt a blow by blow description of each of 16 turns but the pictures and captions will hopefully give a good impression of how things went. The red discs mark disordered or pinned units, the red caps mark carried over 1/2 hits while the white caps mark shaken units. Now that I feel very 'settled' I'll add more scenic markers to the to-do list along with more dismounted cavalry so units don't have to change uniforms when they dismount. 

Blue decided to run the gauntlet of fire and bypass the village with the Jaegers and cavalry of the Advanced Guard while the rapidly approaching infantry stormed the village. Red called everyone forward but some of the detached units were slow to fall in. 

A gratuitous close up of the arrival of The Frontier Horse. These volunteers are now largely recruited from Oerberg across the mountains, one of several grievances held by Her Majesty's government against that state. 

The aggressive General Brown has arrived to take command of Faraway's defences. He redirects 2 companies of infantry to retake the bridge captured by the enemy lancers. His own cavalry has left the defence of the village to the infantry and has formed a skirmish screen to prevent the village from being surrounded. Reinforcements rush to the front on both sides. 

This picture follows the teaser in the previous post. In the village, an assault by Blue's infantry has taken the Red house but the garrison of the White house is still hanging on after repulsing an assault. The Blue advance guard has taken heavy losses from shooting and a series of cavalry charges and is now spent. Red has recaptured the bridge and taken the commander and a handful of Jaegers prisoner.  As Red savours the moment, the Blue Dragoons suddenly appear, almost as if the GM had missed their arrival and just plopped them down on table where they might have been as if their approach had merely been unnoticed. 

The village has fallen and as more and more Blue infantry marches on backed by artillery, Red is forced to abandon his efforts to retake the village and fall back in hopes of a draw. The Lancers and Country Volunteers hold the Blue Dragoons, just. Both the Dragoons and Lancers will be shaken by losses next turn and forced to withdraw but Blue still has fresh reserves moving forward.
The slaughter was terrific as impetuous massed charges by Blue infantry faced fierce rifle, machine gun and artillery fire but while repulsed shaken, their attacks also shook the enemy. Red still controlled both bridges and the light ws failing (ie only 1 turn left) so I was going to call it a draw on Turn 15 but Blue had fresh infantry just within reach of the bridge and was willing to risk another turn of  shooting. This turn the gunners fired high and although the lead company of Windsor Blue's had to double forward with bayonets to reach the enemy, the shaken defenders were unable to hold them and the bridge fell. Another Oberhilse victory! 
The Old Queen is not amused!  

Plans are already afoot for the first game of 2025 but I need to pick a period. Requests will be welcome!