Monday, January 13, 2014

Grenadiers with a Slow Fuse

Its been 2 years since I began work on a grenadier company for the Rossish  Irish Regiment. Last year I got inspired enough to cast up enough to finish the unit . This month I finally painted them .

By an odd coincidence it seems that the pay for the Irish, who have been  billeted amongst the rebels for the last year, is three months behind and their paychest was one of the things captured in last month's ambush.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Stokes, a little ragged and rough around the edges but all the more toy soldierish for that.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, not quite finished, there's a drummer to go but that'll have to wait for casting season.

  3. Hmm... Uniformed in the self-aggrandizing style of many a petty tyrant, I see!

    1. May I point out that the tyrant's name is Prince Michael. Its almost a coincidence that the people known as the Ros formed a country called Rosmark.

      Actually the cap design was done off the cuff when painting a sample 3 years ago. I was cursing myself this week for not picking something that matched the engraving, forgetting until too late that I had filed off the engraving on the sample.

  4. Great looking figures - who are they by ?

    1. Pa69 from Prince August's Rosbach range. A very odd and ill sorted range with dome very useful molds.

  5. Excellent looking grenadiers, Ross.

    And I fully agree about the Rossbach range. But then, much as I like Prince August, consistency and logical planning of their ranges have never seemed to be a priority. Even though, judging by the most recent mold releases, they've apparently returned to their roots with the Karoliners - with the choice of subjects, some sculpted in useless poses, PA continues to frustrate as much as delight.


    1. I sometimes wonder what the market is that drives them. Probably not the handful of wargamers.
