Game 1: American Armoured Infantry debus to support the Stuart against the PzrIIs.
For the 2nd game we reverted to the previous method which was that light tanks could only take 2 hits but move 4 while heavies could take 4 hits but only move 2. Light guns only get 2 dice and heavy guns get 4. This time however we didn't bother with adjusting ranges since the way the rules work any tank that can shoot can usually move and the range distances almost never mattered. In practice this simpler version, inspired by the original Tiger rule, delivered a better feel. The Tigers were awesome, the light tanks were ok against other light tanks but against heavier tanks their only real chance was to use their fast speed to swarm it and close assault hoping to get additional breakthrough attacks and/or block retreats causing additional retreats.
For interest sake, the armour heavy German force had 2 Tigers rated heavy/heavy, 4 PzrIV rated medium/medium and 2 PzrII rated light/light. The armoured portion of the American force had 2 Shermans, medium/medium, 2 Lees rated medium armour light gun (the 37mm), a Stuart rated light/light and a Tank Destroyer light armour, heavy gun. By the end of the game I had lost every tank and 2 infantry while only getting 4 of his tanks and even that was partly due to my infantry and their bazookas. Neither of us got all of our troops on table.
It was actually a closer game than it sounds though and was a great deal of fun.
Game 2. Blitzed by Panzers.