Saturday, April 25, 2015

Drummer Beat Charge!

Its still not the best casting weather but Huzzah is rapidly approaching and my Irish Grenadiers needed a drummer before they marched.

The Grenadier Company of Rosmark's Irish Regiment drilling on their new washer bases.
40mm Prince August homecast.
Apologies for the picture quality, this one is on the lazy photographer and gloss varnish, not his equipment.

Casting a drummer and doing a head swap has been a task put off time and again until not needed. The drummer is from the new Prince August Prussian drummer. The Grenadiers are from the old Rosbach range. I almost set about painting the new washer bases green in my current fashion but luckily remembered that the rest of the army is finished this way so it would be all or nothing.

I would have liked to take a whole regiment of the new figures with me but I'm not set up for inside casting and this winter was brutal and prolonged. With only 2 weekends left to prepare and spring chores doubled, that won't happen now. There is a slim chance I might be able to finish a Grenadier company for a new regiment to bring in place of MacDuff's but its a low priority and not helped by casting problems last week. I could not get the officer's sword to cast, or the nco and the marching infantry mold kept leaking out the side. Nothing serious but it was too cold, too dark and too cluttered in the shed to spend the time required to figure out what the problem was and fix it. Once things warm up  a bit more I'll be able to open the doors up, tidy up my work area, get some lights set up again and go to work comfortably.


  1. Love the color combination of your grenadiers. Nothing says class like white gaiters.

    1. Yes, a man who wears lace and white gaiters and isn't afraid of mud, isn't afraid of much!

  2. They look good Ross. They ought to fight well.


    1. First time out the company formed 2 forlorn hopes to assault 2 redoubts, the 1st sufferd 95% casualties, the other took their objective.

  3. A fine body of men. I commend their tailor.

    1. Well the one who made the clothes is an august Prince of the trade.

  4. Very nice work on the addition of the Drummer. Hope things turn better for fairer and warmer days to do some more castings. KEV.

    1. So do I Kev. 5 days till May and there was frost this morning.

  5. Haaah! what a joy to see some good old Prince August figures here - greatly painted and smartly arranged.
    This is really an eye.candy - bravo!
