Sunday, December 10, 2023

Clear The Pass

After the defeat at St. Croix, Brigadier Cameron was assigned the task of clearing the road between the British camp and the Minas Basin where the Royal Navy was at anchor near Grand-Pré. He was given a detachment of Rangers, a battalion of the 60th Foot, a 4 pounder and three battalions of Provincials under a Colonial officer, Colonel Turner. 

Near noon, scouts reported spotting the enemy barring the road ahead where it passes through a narrow gap in a ridge stretching across the road. 

While the battalions began to cross the ford and deploy, Gen. Cameron studied the enemy position and pondered his options. He would need to open the road and demolish the barricade if wagons were going to get through, but he thought he might be able to pin the defenders while storming the ridge on the enemy's right flank.

"Forward men! We must clear the way!"

The French fire was heavier and more accurate than anticipated so General Turner was ordered to bring up the rest of the New Englanders to replace the 60th and to take the left hand ridge and flank the defenders of the redoubt.

The point blank fire was deadly to both sides but the Massachusetts were beginning to waver and Gen. Cameron felt obliged to join them and urge them on. 

Forward men! The French are wavering!
(They were one or two hits from breaking.)

Alas for General Cameron, just when the French militia were starting to waver, the New Yorkers began to waver. Cameron pushed his way to the front urging these farmers and merchants on. It seemed to be working until one of the milice saw the mounted officer in scarlet, towering over the crowd of brown coats, and fired carefully. As he started to reel in the saddle, his soldiers steadied him,  grabbed the reins and led him to the rear, accompanied by what was left of the battalion. 

It had been a fierce and bloody fight for both sides but there was nothing for Major Turner to do but order his battalion and the rangers to fallback in good order to the far side of the river and start getting the force, now under his temporary command, into order and send a messenger to report the situation to headquarters. 

NOTES: The miniatures are 40mm, mostly homecast from Prince August molds, some of them, especially the Canadian militia, being converted to suit their role. (and yes, Gorham's Rangers are currently dressed for the 1840's but that will eventually be fixed.)

The scenario was "designed" to suit the forces, the result of the last battle, what might follow in the campaign, and the actual terrain that such a column would have had to pass  through. (Not that either this or the preceding scenario were precisely accurate for the actual local places that inspired them.

The rules are a new, short (currently one side of a page), set of rules which I intend to use for 'horse&musket' games in a North American type setting, though  they could be used in any setting with the addition of troops and situations that I don't currently plan on using, I need to make them clearer (even for myself for future reference) and add a few things that might be used in another scenario (like destroying a bridge, digging entrenchments, storming walls, making amphibious landings etc, etc), but this weekend, I'll post the proofread version of them as they are.


  1. Exciting game. I look forward to seeing more…
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. A fierce action indeed…
    Shall Cameron’s men be back for revenge?

    All the best. Aly

  3. Great report Ross; stirring stuff. Did Gen. Cameron survive his wounds?

  4. Ross, what size bases are you using in this game?
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. 60 mm wide, old wrg habits and I had some already cut o/w I'd have gone for 2 Imperial inches.

  5. Fantastic stuff, Ross. Hopefully those fine Provincials shall recover to go forth and give the Milice a good thrashing.


  6. Good game, seems to have worked. I suppose the French are allowed to win the odd skirmish...

  7. There is so much charm in just these few shots - thank you, thoroughly enjoyed.

  8. Jolly pleased to hear that Gen Cameron suffered no more than a scuff to his paintwork. At least it came at a dramatic moment! A great storyline as always and a good re-run of an old but never tired scenario. I hope we'll see the lastest version of the rules before long.

  9. That was an intense exchange of musketry that sounds like it was on a knife edge until the sharpshooter wounded General Cameron. Beaut stuff!
    Regards, James
