Friday, March 1, 2024

Huzzah! For Prince Micheal and the Days of King Arthur

Plans come and they go. Its always good to have back up plans. For various reasons, I was looking at skipping the Huzzah! convention in Maine this spring, in favour of a fall convention in Vermont which some of my old Montreal friends attend, with a stop at my old alma mata, Le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean. However, the Vermont con is now on the last weekend of November, at a ski resort in the mountains. I was already questioning wanting to drive that far earlier in the fall, but having grown up not far from there, the risk of snow in the mountains in November was enough to tip the balance in favour of closer and thus cheaper and less tiring. So...I've just registered two Prince Valiant games for Huzzah! in Maine in May   Maine is lovely in May (if you don't mind a bit of snow in the mountains in some years), why not check it out? 

One scenario is an old reliable chestnut:  CS Grant's Wagon Train scenario: Plans come and they go. Its always good to have back up plans. For various reasons, I was looking at skipping the Huzzah! convention in Maine this spring, in favour of a fall convention in Vermont which some of my old Montreal friends attend, with a stop at my old alma mata,  Le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean. However, the Vermont con is now on the last weekend of November, at a ski resort in the mountains. I was already questioning wanting to drive that far earlier in the fall, but having grown up not far from there, the risk of snow in the mountains in November was enough to tip the balance in favour of closer and thus cheaper and less tiring. So...I've just registered two Prince Valiant games. 

One scenario is an old reliable chestnut:  CS Grant's Wagon Train scenario:


The other will be my attack on the wall scenario: 

Best get the lads buffed up and ready to go public!   

(hmmm, might need to add a few more figures too..... sighh a miniature wargamer's work is never done.)


  1. This collection is very "Black Sheild of Falworth" !

    1. True, and even more based on Hal Foster's Prince Valiant strips.

  2. Will be good to see Prince Valliant back in action again.

    1. I did a 54mm version at an HMGS con about 20 yrs ago but for my Elastolins, it'll be their first appearance at a Con.

  3. Fortunate Maine folk!
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. Spectacular pictures, sounds great!!

    1. I hope it'll be fun for the players as well as passers by.

  5. I'll be at Mayhem, where I'll be running several games, but undecided about Huzzah. If I do go, I'll be sure to look in on your table.

  6. The Romano-British battle cry was "Yr Wydfa!" I found it in Sutcliff's "Sword at Sunset," and would Rosemary Sutcliff lie to us?

    1. She has a lot to answer for! We did Eagle of the 9th in school and I chased down the rest of that trilogy and must have reread The Eagle 40 or more times since then. Found Sword at Sunset shortly after and it shaped my early ancient wargaming and still gets reread and influences my wargames.

  7. Good to see Val and the boys getting an outing.

  8. Looks good. Being a fan of this blog led me to checking out all the Hal Foster compilations my county library owns, from the start to 1950. Lots of good fun, so thanks for the inspiration. Can I ask why the links to your favorite blogs have disappeared?
    I have similar tastes and enjoyed this site as a one-stop shop to keep on top of things that were interesting.

    1. I apologise for that. I tried to update it and make it easier for me and others to access more than a few of the latest updated blogs and, well, after an ugly, frustrating struggle, my Blog Reading list is now just a link at the top of the right hand column. Click it and it'll open a page with clips and a link to the full list of blogs which I have been adding ones to and getting rid of some of the dormant ones etc.

  9. Ross;
    I get to drive to Vermont in all 12 of the months. Snow is less likely in November than it is in March. Cold, yes. Unassembled Flat Pack Snowmen, less so.

    Come on down to Vermont! We have really awesome MapIey Goodness!

    I don't think I can make Huzzah this year. My Warrant Officer Advanced Course is playing merry Hell with my PTO allocation in my civvy job.

    I bought two book from Rob Dean this past weekend at Cold Barrage (which was more like Wet Barrage), and now I can blame you AND Rob for a New Idea.


    1. One can always blame someone!

      I confess that one attraction to Vermont was that it offered a chance to stop in on the way at the College Militaire Royal de St. Jean, my old alma mater. Sadly, while 20 years ago I was fine with driving from Halifax NS to Lancaster PA, these days, I find Portland, Maine a long haul and about my limit.

  10. When I lived in the North East US, I was completely unaware of the of the gaming conventions I could have driven to. Now they seem so unfairly far away!

    1. There are a lot across the US and Canada but Portland Maine. at just shy of 1,000 km, is about the closest one to me.
