Here's a few of the online Cog photos that I selected as inspiration. They were taken from Since my ships, like my Elastolin figures, are meant to be toys rather than accurate models, any resemblance to the real thing is vague at best.
A few details to be added, as well as 4 more ships to be finished. |
Looking good.
ReplyDeleteA few shields around the stern castle will draw the eye away from any minor anachronisms
ReplyDeleteI was about to write that I didn't have any spare shields when I have a Prince August viking mould with a separate shield. I'll consider that. Thanks.
DeleteRoss Mac,
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a cog to me!
All the best,
Splendid ship, really works for me!
ReplyDeleteAlan Tradgardland
Thanks. They're starting to look better as the paint goes on.
DeleteThat has turned out well ,
ReplyDelete4 more to go!
DeleteRoss, are some of these the old Pressman one? They're coming-up very well, aren't they?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure who made the original version. My older brother got one complete with rowboat, lanterns and pirates.
Deleteps: The one I........'inherited' (when he wasn't around and after he dropped toys for sports and guitars) was acquired in the very early '60s.
DeleteThat was what I was thinking. Much used on the old Major General Tremorden Rederring website.
ReplyDeleteThose photos from sound like a fantastic source of inspiration! Even if your ships are meant to be toys rather than accurate models, capturing the essence of historical designs can add so much charm and character. It’s always exciting to see how creativity can transform a concept into something unique and playful.
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