Friday, December 13, 2024

Sail In Sight! To Arms!

 At last the training was over and the crew of the Albion set sail in search of Saxon raiders.

Straight at those Saxons Captain! Lets see what your ship can do.

As the ships closed, the winds shifted slightly and the Saxon ship had to tack but the wind then shifted back and the Britons were able to come along side, grapples in hand.

As the ships closed, arrows and battlecries began to fly, soon to followed by the clash of steel. 

The British took advantage of their initial shock and several warriors jumped down onto the Saxon deck and tried to push forward with little success. Prince Micheal dared not lose the initiative so he jumped on the railing and challenged King Helgin to a duel.

The lesser warriors fell back and watched the two leaders go at each other, hammer and tong, youthful exuberance against an old warrior's cunning.

Suddenly it was over. Exalting over his victory, Michael bid the Saxons to take their chieftain home to be tended and to stay out of his uncle's territories whether they came by land or sea,  

The rules, esp on the sailing side, are still new and need work but they're promising for a quick play game.
For the curious, the one page rules draft can be found here (click)


  1. 'I see a dark sail on the horizon,
    Set beneath a black cloud that hides the sun...' Jethro Tull, 'Broadsword'
    A very evocative sea battle, Ross: wonderful!

  2. Great fun! The ships look perfect with your Elastolins

  3. Ross Mac,

    A rather different battle report from your normal ones … but very enjoyable and the first of many … I hope!

    All the best,


    1. Thanks Bob. Its just my Prince Valiant posts that get the illustrated comic style.

  4. Terrific fun and lovely to the Elastolin fellows deployed at sea.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thanks, they will be back in the New Year, and with more ships!

  5. Nice report, now for Helgins revenge!

    1. There will be toasts to that revenge over the Yuletide tables!
