Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A look ahead wile the map is being fixed.

I was setting about a post including a sketch of the geography and  political situation north of the mountains when I noticed that the map of the southern half was only 75% fixed, some names and mountains etc still being upside down. Hopefully I will complete repairs and load them tomorrow. I notice that the older map is somwhat prettier than the new one but I'm not about to fix it, yet.  Both maps were initially sketched out using Henry Hyde's article in BG 3.  I've said before that I have no interest in learning or inventing languages so have borrowed heavily on some familiar names, at least Jeff and a few others will recognize some of them, even if a letter or 2 is changed.

Its hard to completely plan out campaigns when the history  hasn't been discovered yet, but I have enough plotted out for now to allow me to get on with some figure painting and game planning. There is no denying that by the end of the first decade of the 20thC, modern warfare had come to Atlantica with its panoply of heavy guns, machines, drab uniforms and trenches but I have decided that I don't need to deal with all that just yet. Certainly not when the last half of the 19thC has yet to be dealt with. In the future? Well, we'll see., for now I just want to get back to some "Colonial" games.

I can't deal with all the wars of this busy little island in one go but aim to tackle at least some aspects of the following campaigns this year. Please excuse the sparsity of details, in some cases even the participants are unclear let alone the years and outcome. The names and geographic relations will be clearer when the map and survey are posted.

  • The various Haida Gwaii  Wars fought during the 1850's and 60's, mostly by the FTC supported by Faraway vs the Haida from the heavily wooded, swamp islands of the North East, and against the Brotherhood who were based on the mainland behind the islands and were allied to the Haida. The Oerberg settlers had little to do with the Haida but also came to blows with the Brethren several times. Officially these campaigns were a response to piracy but that included a refusal by the Brethren to acknowledge claims or grants of monopoly or borders. This ended of course with the fall of their coastal strongholds and the Long Ride into the interior. 
  • The Sasparilla War fought by the FTC supported by the Crown against Kyuquat in the 1860's and which eventually led to the disolution of the FTC and the assumption of its interests by the Crown. Kyuquat being the primary independent Atlantican state having cities and regular troops.
  • The Kapelle Valley War fought in the 1880's.
  • The various Dene Wars fought by the Dene clans  of the plains and later their Brethren Allies,  surreptitiously supported by Kyuquat against any interlopers including settlers from Oerberg and their own sometimes friend and ally, the  FTC. These would eventually be the longest and most prolonged series of campaigns, stretching into the next century. 

These various campaigns were fought as smooth bore muzzle loaders gave way, first, to muzzle loading rifles then breach loading weapons for both small arms and artillery. They were also fought from the home bases of the armies of Oberhilse and Faraway. Much reliance was placed on local volunteers and the full glamour of smart parade uniforms was a rare sight. We have already seen the shell jackets and Havelocks worn by Faraway units and the sky blue denim fatigue uniforms worn by the Oberhilse Field Force. As the century progressed, these sorts of adaptations kept pace with the evolution of home service uniforms and included various items as sun helmets, cap covers, wide brimmed "campaign" or "wide awake" hats, leggings to keep the dust out of boots, the replacement of bright white belts, a reduction in shiny brass and often, the adoption of locally acquired clothing.


  1. "For at that time there were many blank spaces upon the earth."

    Conrad knew the power of blank spaces upon a map.

  2. Now that you mention it, I do recognize a few BC native names that seem to have had other lives on your continent.

    -- Jeff

  3. Nice troops, Ross. And I look forward to seeing the updated map when you get to it. I'm always a sucker for a good map, too bad many fantasy novels don't live up to the expectations raised by the intriguing maps in the front of the book.

