Saturday, January 5, 2019

Trying things on for size.

Looks like Prince August is coming to Huzzah but he's bringing MacDuff with him instead of Lawford and Young.

The details don't matter but there may be limited cargo capacity on the troop transports, not to mention the battlefields and MacDuff can get by with fewer men.

Rosmark Carabiniers and Maritime Federation Gensdarme and Hussar.

Seemed like a good time to try out the new Cuirassiers and to finally paint up some of the Rosbach range Heavy Hussars.

And the Horror movie version.


  1. Ah cats and toy soldiers ! , the new casting looks nice .

  2. Played a game called Hello Kitty over the holidays... cats can take over the world (have taken over the world?) and my son and his partner seem to like everything to do with them. Their cat is called Henry.

    1. Whoops, forgot to actually write my main point... getting old... Hello Kitty has a lot of cat figures just asking/begging/demanding to appear in Newhaven as a Cats of Ulthar type storyline... but I don't think my wife would ever allow it!

    2. If they disappeared at night maybe?.... A little bit of paint.....

  3. Hi Ross,
    Are all your MacDuff figures painted for Huzzah? And will we get to see a run through of the scenario before it is put on the table? Someday I might be able to get to geet up to Maine for the con.

    1. Jerry, I could go tomorrow but I'll probably paint some new units regardless. Anyway, I'm only bringing one side. There will probably be test games.....
      Hoping to make it down to a Fall In again in 2-3 years time.

  4. Attack of the 50' Feline?

    Best Regards,


    1. I think she described it as "beautiful Cat goddess" or meows to that effect.

  5. I was wondering if it were a cat called 'Horse' or a horse called 'Cat', or maybe someone has overdone the horse-breeding programme...

    1. Definitely the latter regardless. That horse might pass for 18 hands but the rider could have enrolled in the Potsdam Giant Grenadiers.
