Saturday, October 17, 2020

Boots and Saddles! Duty calls men, we must away.

Dominion agents have heard word that the Rebels had collected a cache of arms and supplies at the little settlement of Goose Lake.  With the newly raised NW Mounted Rifles having just marched in the night before, Colonel Ross issued orders for  an expedition to march in the morning.

The question on everyone's mind was "What would they find?".


  1. If I know those sneaky rebels it will be more than moonshine or tobacco!

  2. At Goose Lake, I expect a cache of foie gras.

  3. Perhaps a duvet factory amidst the goose down?
    Tell us of the colourful measuring stick if you please.

    1. Ah, its a modification of an old device, halfway between a ruler and the grid. Each band is a fixed amount, in this case, 4" like the grid, in other cases I have made them equal to a base width for rules where movement etc were in multiples of a base width.

      Its easy for even weak eyes to read from a distance and there is no haggling over quarter inches. I had thought about using it instead of the grid for this game but as it turns out, I used the grid.

  4. Ross, looking forward to the action.

  5. Ha, could be that their goose is cooked - great photo!

    1. hmm, dafest to wait till the dinner is eaten before it is praised!

  6. Did you sculpt the pillbox caps yourself? Very spiffy!
