Sunday, October 8, 2023

Where Away? (updated)

Its that time of year. My conventions have come and gone and I don't have plans for next year, the shelves and cupboards are overloaded with painted armies and unpainted figures, and I'm having trouble deciding what I want to do next. 

As much as I love my French Revolution troops and as many settings there are that they can be used for, they haven't helped solve my "too many figures, too little time, storage space and energy" dilemma.  What the heck was I thinking?!?  Well, that's not going to be resolved today but I do need to restart making choices and trimming my collection of figures.  But not today when I'm tired and its wet and windy out side and my wife's off at a dog show for the day. 

Today is more of an off the shelf One Hour game day, but which era? Something that hasn't been played in a while perhaps.....


or maybe, just the usual "goto":

Hmm.... Well, lunch first, then a decision....

Aha!. Meanwhile, back in Oerberg

Hmm, that was quick.....


  1. Lancers and an armored car! I’d go with the unusual for certain.

    1. I’ll second that!
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. All of the above look good - A "Pret-a-jouer" OHW scenario is a good call for a Sunday

  3. Wonderful ACW forces there Ross!
