Thursday, September 12, 2024

Its Been A Lonnnnnnnggg Week.

But don't worry, I won't bore everyone with car and health issues amongst other things. As it happens, I still managed to play a turn or 3 each day and rework the new rules, again, and again  and......well, eventually, I got close to what I want and I finished the little skirmish. 

At first Red seemed to be winning, then stalled. Blue followed up with its own assault, but when their final charge was repulsed, the day ended in a draw with each side holding one of the two crossroads.

I might just call up some reinforcements and play out a pitched battle on the weekend. Striking while the rules are still hot off the keyboard as it were. Can they survive? Only one way to tell.


  1. Hope all is on the mend, Ross! I would lay money AGAINST rules surviving contact.

  2. Keep on keeping on.

    I'm with Jonathan, 5:1 against rules surviving contact with tabletop action.

  3. Hope things are beginning to resolve themselves Ross.
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. Always fun to watch. Good luck on the rules holding together.

  5. I can only speak for my own solo experiences - I change rules during games... works for me...
