Sunday, October 20, 2024

Lost Dispatches

I'm starting to almost look forward to the Winter Campaign season when I can usually get a whole game in on a single day. Sighhhhh....... Anyway, one must work with what is and this small, basic 12 turn scenario was played over a week, 1 or 2 turns at a time, with 3 extra turns added. The details are already getting blurred in my mind but the pictures will tell the important bits.

The scenario was a simple encounter at a strategically important crossroad with the 40mm 1840's fictional armies of Oberhilse (Blue) and Faraway (Red). 

Faraway's cavalry and riflemen reached the town first and occupied three of the four houses while one of Oberhilse's volunteer battalions seized the farthest house.  

(** Note: As usual. clicking on the pictures will give you a closer/larger view )
The fighting in the village was fierce and prolonged. Oberhilse's dragoons were sent forward to drive off the skirmishers who were starting to target the gunners but with 6 dice vs 1, the republic's dragoons who had driven off the Queen's dragoons, took 1 hit from the rifles, whiffed their roll and came tumbling back blaming their repulse on their tired horses.

The fighting was prolonged and bloody. As the sun started to sink towards the horizon, the commanders held a quick truce and agreed on 3 extra turns.

When the last turn was done,  both sides had suffered heavy casualties and while the Queen's troops still held onto 3/4 of the town, the Republic's troops held a section on the edge of town which gave them control over the eastern road. After a short parley, the Commanders agreed to both pull back, rest &, reorganize their forces, clean up the rules, bring the start lines forward, and start again at a day and time agreeable to both sides.   


  1. That is a good after action report. Short, succinct and with humour. Thank you - a very enjoyable read.
