Friday, November 22, 2024

Auld Lang Syne (pictures added)

**Now with more pictures!

Yesterday was most enjoyable day with 5 old...long time... friends. Four of us played with our host's 25mm Minifig ECW figures painted in the 70's by himself, along with some of my old Highlanders added to his a few years ago. After a good close game, (ok maybe not that close), our host provided an excellent feast with plenty of conversation and perhaps a few reminisces.    

Not my best shot but I couldn't back up any farther or avoid the lamp, our host was preparing lunch, and I was behind the cellphone.
Not quite sure why the photos make it look like all of us have white hair..........😉.)

It doesn't happen often but Rob caught a picture of me as well.

Highlanders fighting for the Royalists.

The last stand of the Irish mercenaries under my command.
(The little dice are marking hits.)

All over now as the Royalist infantry chase the last Covenanters out of the town.

Sadly, it turned out to be a farewell event as well. Our hosts are moving away to be closer to their grandchildren, and who could blame them? 

The memories will remain. One of my favorites was in my early days in Halifax (1979) when I had been recently posted from the West Coast. Phil & Sue Barker were over to a US Convention, probably Historicon, and the club had invited them to Halifax. They were a bit surprised to get off the plane to be greeted by a uniformed Police Officer. (Fresh off duty without time to change!) But he wasn't arresting them, just driving them to my apartment where I hosted them. 

Here's good fortune to my friends and their children and grandchildren.


  1. Ross Mac,

    What a wonderful way to say goodbye to old friends.

    As to Phil and Sue Barker … well, Phil is pretty well housebound these days. I’m still in contact with them and we exchange emails every couple on months.

    All the best,


  2. There is nothing wrong with having white hair. Comes in useful at this time of year . Ho!Ho!Ho!

  3. Think it must be these mobile phone cameras, my hair seems to come out grey/white , cracking looking game and good compa

  4. What a fabulous gathering and game. A shame that it is the end of an era, but a top way to mark it.
    Hopefully the rest of you will catch up from time to time?
    Best wishes to you all, James

    1. One of us lives in Montreal now but visits family here most years and joins us for a year or two. Three of us still live here and still get together for games.

  5. A fitting farewell indeed.
    Alan Tradgardland

  6. Looks like a fine day out - meeting old friends for a battle…that’s very ECW (ask Sir Ralph amd Sir William 🙂). 👍🏼

  7. A great looking game and I guess even imaginary wars have to have an end. Btw my camera has the same fault as yours…

  8. Hmm, my camera must be broken. It makes it look like my hair is disappearing. Also, adds more pounds around my waistline.

    1. Portrait painters used to be able to disguise these thins.

  9. A great looking game among long time friends. Little can be finer.

  10. Excellent looking game. Nice to see the figures in action, the gentleman at the ready around the table. Groups of gamers do change despite our wishes, here's to the next adventure.

  11. An excellent day, well spent. No finer company to be with on my last day on the east coast. The train trip to Montreal was relatively painless and actually arrived early.

    1. It was good to see you again. Obviously as you were a guest now, Les and I had no choice but to let you win. ;)

  12. A game is a great way to say goodbye. Mostly I get a call from a mutual friend or the widow about clearing out the deceased's wargame stuff. But I have that same problem with cell phones: the hair mostly doesn't show up, and there's some distortion about the waist.

    1. And I'm Robert. Don't know why the computer doesn't know me anymore.

    2. Sorry, its my computer and obviously it takes after me.
      (I never have been good with names and faces and its not getting better. The computer and 'app' are not exactly young either! :) )
