Monday, July 28, 2014

Tin Plate Castles in the Air

Ok the title is just an excuse to include part of my first toy castle in a picture after having seen Bob's old castle re emerge from storage.

The newest unit rolls past my old tin plate castle with 1 of the 30mm knights I got at the same time. The crew and horses are Zinnbrigade, the gun is a Crescent 18pdr and the limber is a modified Prince August 18thC limber. I was tempted to leave the seated gunner loose and paint more for travel mode but my ecperiences with the FTC rocket troop dissuaded me.

The real point is that, while preparing an old Crescent 18pdr for repainting in grey, it occurred to me that my recent enthusiasm for WWI figures and books  and plan for a Centenary Homage game may have unintentionally given the impression that I might be on the cusp of reverting to being a bona fide historical miniature wargamer. Let me assure everyone that this is not the case, I remain a proponant of the Little Wars approach. Not the specific bit about shooting toy cannons but the general approach of studying history but playing a game with fictional armies of toy soldiers.

The gun in action.

Some Scruby Jaegers are up next.


  1. Ross - you know the castle is Crescent too?


    1. No, there are no marks that I could find and I never did more than a simple google search. I figured it was an English import, probably purchased at Ogilvys and Crescent doesn't surprise because the bulk of plastic figures at Christmas were Crescent.
      So thanks!

  2. Very nice looking castle. I'm also very much enjoying your "toy soldier" look figures.

  3. I'm probably being a bit literal-minded, but I can't see any figure in the HistoriFigs Scruby lists which could plausibly be a Jaeger, so I'm intrigued as to what you're going to use.

    As for "studying history but playing a game with fictional armies of toy soldiers" that sounds good to me.

    1. These are vintage figures from the Boxer Rebellion range. Mike has never gotten to the Scruby 40mm Colonials. Apparently there was a lot of work to be done, some masters missing etc etc. I suspect there is not a big demand either.

  4. Photos look great.I too am intrigued by the forthcoming Jaeger...

  5. Ross Mac,

    Seeing your castle's square towers reminded me that my tinplate castle also used to have some smaller square towers. They must have been lost at some time in the past.

    As for your definition about why you wargame ... well I wish I had written it as it exactly encapsulates what I do on a personal level ... and I will probably write a blog entry to that effect!

    All the best,


    1. Old toys never really die.

      I look forward to reading that post Bob.

  6. I am greatly relieved to read that there is no chance of you becoming a 'proper' wargamer! Long may your matchsticks fly!

    1. Well I have tried to make sure each side has at least 1 18pdr with functioning spring, judt in case.

  7. These figures really do look the part and I am intrigued by the mention of long lost Scruby's.

    1. I have a pdf of the Colonial and WWI listing if you are curious. I have also reinstated pictures of a game by the chap who introduced me to them.

  8. I'm originally from Stewiacke, Nova Scotia! You know, Exit 11, 102 with the KFC Petro-Canada and Timmies

    1. Not to mention a big hairy Mastodon. Just around the corner from George.
