Sunday, February 24, 2019

Teaser: Weeburg Day 2

With reinforcements having arrived over night and more on the way, the battle has resumed.

The action began with a heavy bombardment by the Rebels' massed batteries which has cleared the opposing artillery from the ridge.

Already the Dominion's field hospital is busy. 

More tomorrow!


  1. Hi Ross,
    The lure of 54mm - looks great! I've always lamented never playing at 54mm size...certainly missed out on something grand. Often looked at Michigan 'Armies In Plastic' 54mm -1/32nd scale packets...though the Airmail cost is way too much. Have fun there. Cheers. KEV.

    1. One has to make choices, can't do it all. However its always good to know there are still fresh possibilities.

  2. Hmmmmmm yes I LIKE those cannon and limbers. Very tasty, very more-ish.

    1. Cheap limbers from the BMC Gettysburg set. I promised myself that I wouldn't field them or the guns until they were painted and horsed. Oh well.

    2. Ah yes, I THOUGHT they might be the Gettysburg set. Sadly doesn't do them, only and the shipping cost from America for this lovely cheap set is ridiculously, ludicrously, ruinously insane :-( I`ve had my eye on and have lusted after this set for a long time now. Sadly not to be.. for me.

  3. Teaser? That's certainly the case. I am looking forward to the next installment. BTW, I will be posting some recently painted Redcoats before the week is out.

  4. Got the battle fought today but ran out of time to finish the report.

    I look forward to seeing the new redcoats.

  5. Stout fellow that General Lannigan! This seems to be a case where had the government reinforcements arrives on time there might have been a different ending to this engagement. The 54s do give the table top a definite signature look.
