Sunday, December 26, 2021

General Wenceslaus Looked Out On The Feast of Stephen

It was dawn when the General was woken by the sound of musket fire. Those damned godless revolutionaries making some kind of trouble. He called for his aide and reached for his boots.

As dawn broke, the French skirmishers opened fire while columns of infantry left their cover and rushed slowly towards the bridge.
 (I blame the brandy for their poor rolling.)

The picquet at the bridge opened fire and held their position just long enough to allow the garrison to begin falling out, arms in hand.

Despite the urging of their officers, les Bleus seemed to reluctant to advance but les Blancs made their way gingerly over the frozen river and closed on the town. Even the tardy brigade of Hussars had finally appeared behind the enemy left flank. It was all taking too long though and the allies were already forming up and concentrating.

To be continued..........



  1. I hope you had a merry Christmas, Ross! It looks like you managed to squeeze in a great looking game. I hope it played as good as it looks!

  2. Great looking game - if either side need reinforcements they could always try the Toy Shoppe!

  3. The reception committee looks very much ready!

    1. Yeah, the French took a while to get moving while the allies were up like someone had yelled "free beer!"

  4. Looks good. I wonder if Les Blancs and Les Bleus will be looking un peu Rouge....



  5. A fine looking game Ross…
    You would have thought that Les Bleus would have moved faster knowing that there was un drunk brandy to be had…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I suspect that they were sure that all the brandy was gone and they'd gotten up early in the cold for no good reason!
