Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Things Are Beginning To Turn Around

Its been a busy few days for many reasons, mostly seasonal, but I  made time to almost completely rearrange my multipurpose cubbyhole. The table lost a foot but I can now access two of the longsides again for the the first time in ... well... a couple of  years anyway.  I also have my old painting desk back and space to move around the room. 

Having turned the table on myself, I'm well into the process of shrinking the grid to make it bigger. (‽)

Still lots to do before things are finished, but the progress is encouraging.

If the Boss ever lifts the Quarantine on the house, there'll even be room for a guest player or two to face me across the table for the first time in well....years!



  1. Aah...the simple pleasures of the Man Cave can never be bettered!

  2. Enlarged this picture to peer at the interesting books under your table and your painting area .

    1. Still in turmoil. For the desk its pretty much permanent but the books are occasionally tidied and sorted. I should take pictures next time that happens.
