Friday, November 4, 2022

On The Desk

I have one last sample resin figure from Day of Battle. Since so many of my figures ended up being modified or converted, I decided to see how I like working with resin. 

The standardbearer is homecast from my master borderhorse figure done c2003,  based on a Miesterzinn Napoleonic light cavalryman body, mounted on......a....probably Sash & Sabre, horse from the spare bits hoard. 

The figure is listed as Sir William Wallace but I don't need a 40mm Braveheart, what I need, is more 16thC Scottish cavalry. After a careful inspection, comparison to some of my 16thC toy soldiers, and referral to the illustrations in a couple of books, I decided to take this chance to see how I like carving, sawing, shaving, drilling, sanding etc resin, (to which I added 'pinning and gluing' after managing to drop the figure, horse tail down, onto the hardfloorHappens way too often these days, I'm sad to say. Apparantly aging isn't a cure for being a clutz, but more of a accelerant. ).

So far, so good, hopefully the result should be posted sometime tomorrow afternoon/evening.


  1. The standard bearer's horse has seen better days. The elements are reclaiming him, one part at a time.

    1. Eh? ..OH. Apparently its a trick photo!

      He actually has all of his legs and tail. (the tail is swishing the other way and the raised right foreleg is precisely aligned with the left leg. Couldn't have done that if I'd tried!

    2. Ah yes, I see the leg now. Hate to have had it shot off from under the standard bearer

    3. I see both right front leg and tail now too!

    4. This is how legends start. "Have you ever heard the Ballad of the Three Legged Charger?"
