Saturday, June 17, 2023

1/2 Century of Service

"When the world was young, there came a race of warriors from the White Plains. They were like giants to the Aerphix  warriors who preceded them as today's warrior's are to these heroes. 

Long years they have slept in the caves, waiting the call to return to serve the King again."
"Excerpt from the Book of the Four Winds

Minifigs, bought, painted and 'bloodied' in the service of Valdur in the winter of 1974. (WRG 3rd),
(Except the Ral Partha guy in the back rank, not sure where he came from!)
Now, at last, called upon once again to take up arms and face the dice.

It was back in the fall and winter of 1973/74  at Military College that Simon MacDowall  (see Legio Wargames blog) ordered a copy of the 3rd ed of WRG Ancient's, built small armies of Airfix figures, soon joined by Minifigs.  We haven't stopped yet, and neither have these lads though they haven't marched under my command since 1976/77. 

When I graduated, I was posted immediately to a ship in Halifax for on job training. I managed to pack a few of my favourite figures but left the bulk for the Wargames Club to use until I could collect them. Well, that time never came but over the years I would periodically bump into some of them in friends' armies, where they were well and happily employed.  Not too long ago, I was surprised when a package from Simon showed up including some old Minifig castings and....... some of my original Minifig Britons! 

Veteran Warriors: still ready for battle 1/2 a century on!

I replaced a few broken weapons, and a missing leg and stand, touched up the occasional scuffed paint and they are once again ready for service to the King, pardon me, the now Duke of Valdur, on my Gathering of Hosts blog.


  1. Gallic figures have a habit of coming back. I had a 30 strong warband early PB Gauls (also from around 1974 plus or minus) serving with my Successors. Eventually they left to take service with Harry Pearson, then after a few years they came back home with a few friends... it's been quite a while since seen action. Quick check, it was May 2019, when they did nasty things to a bunch of Romans!

    1. Maybe we should change Gallic to Garlic warriors since they keep coming back?

  2. Friends reunited!
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. Nice to have them home, looking forward to seeing ther adventures.

  4. Love this. It's wonderful to see the veterans readied for service under you command again.

    1. Now to see if they have weathered the years better than me!

  5. Looking good Ross.
    They built them to last back in the olden days…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I'm not sure whether to increase their staying power on the field due to experience, or slow their movement due to their age.

  6. Hi Ross- My first introduction to Wargames was a Viking Skirmish with Minifigs - I think the figures were Ancient Britons standing in for Vikings. The Rules were by Donald Featherstone. Always liked Minifigs. Cheers. KEV.
