Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Bring Up The Infantry

I have a rather crowded box of recruits for my Prince Valiant games so I try to paint at least a few figures for each game.

A new company of Sassanid Infantry.
(Oops..meant to add a darker wash over the flesh, I'll have to fix that. It was a super quick paint job.)

These recruits are yet another use of some of the 100  gold novelty figures I bought for $0.10@ nearly 20 years ago.

The table has been tentatively laid out and some troops brought out of storage.

Now to work out the details of the scenario.


  1. They have painted up well .
    I am glad you gave a good home to these poor gold figures ( why anyone would paint them gold l cannot imagine) and clothed them appropriately.
    Tentative table looking promising…
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. They weren't painted gold, they were cast in gold plastic. Probably prizes in a party treat or in one of those bubblegum style machines or in a party cracker, easter egg etc etc.

  2. For a Super Quick paint job they look really nice! The original figure looks familiar though I don't know why...

  3. SUperb figures, love the shields!

    1. I started to sand away the original detail but the plastic was hard! So I flooded them with white glue.

  4. Nice. Love it when cheap figures prove useful.
