Monday, July 31, 2023

If At First

Its been a long and busy couple of days, BUT today I made time to try out my latest attempt at a  'Goldilocks' edition of my rules. (As in not too quick and simple nor too tedious, fiddly or dull,  needing too much time to finish a game.

The first assault goes in and a prolonged fight ensues before the ridge is in Dominion hands.

A Rebel counter attack recaptured the ridge and a larger 2nd assault led to an even longer fight.

As the sun began to set, the General Lannigan ordered his remaining troops to fall back on the town in hopes of a draw.

With night approaching, Gen. Douglas ordered an all out assault. For a few minutes it seemed like it was too late but suddenly the Rebels had had enough. They broke and ran, leaving the town in Dominion hands as well as the ridge.

Temperatures are moderating and there is a lot of overdue outside duties to catch up on, might rain tomorrow, or the next day.......


  1. An exciting conclusion that was worth the wait - Its nice to see a definitive result right at the end of the game.
    How did the rules work out?

  2. The UK is covered in cloud and rain which is conducive for figure painting/gaming - so every rain cloud has a silver lining

  3. Good to see you playing with the toys, and using the same rules from start to finish! How did they play?

    1. Once I got past examining some drastic changes and settled for less useless chrome and fewer 'clever' things, and stuck to simple basics, it went well. Enough flavour, easy flow and a last turn win or draw result, all in under 2 hours. (Not including set up and take down.)

  4. A lovely looking game Ross…
    This is another of your collections that gets my butterfly fluttering…😁🦋🦋🦋.

    All the best. Aly

  5. Looks like a nice little action. Some day must have another 42mm game... just too many other things to do!
