Sunday, September 3, 2023

There May Be A Delay.......

We often had a communal  jigsaw puzzle going in a corner of a room at home, and the same in the lunchroom at work for a while, when we had access to a lunchroom.....

It's been a few years now since I've tackled one that wasn't virtual. This arrived on Christmas at some point this century and since my table was momentarily vacant and I wasn't sure what I felt like playing next, I seized the day! It's time I get back to my painting desk anyway. However, I long ago learned to put puzzles on a board so they could be moved if needed, So, if it takes too long and I start itching for a wargame, I can set up Mom's old, heritage, card table (well, its older than me anyway)  over by the bookshelf, and slide the puzzle over to make room for a wargame.

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