Saturday, January 13, 2024

First Battle of Middleton Hill

While the action at the crossroads was taking place, Colonel MacDuff's column, heading for Middleton Ridge, bumped into the advance scouts of Colonel Nolan's column. 

Lancers!? The small territory of Neurus must have thrown off its neutrality and joined in with the Origawn Republic. 
(Word has it that they left the 54mm or Fight blog to come join the fight in the NorthWest.)
The armies deploy. Once again opposing minds thought alike and each force consisted of 4 infantry companies, a field gun and a troop of cavalry. The Bluecoats seemed to have marched a bit faster however and are closer to securing the dominant ridge.

The affair gets serious as the Blue artillery opens fire on the NW Mounted Rifles. 

The steep, wooded hill slowed Blue's deployment but also gave cover to some of their infantry.

After a prolonged firefight, the Highlanders and Fusiliers, supported by their artillery, drove the Bluecoats off the crest of the ridge. 

While Col. Nolan rallied his men on the reverse slope, he ordered his cavalry to chase off the Mounted Rifles who looked a bit shaky after a prolonged bombardment. The Mounted Rifles fired a hasty shot, mounted, and headed for safety.

As the sun sank lower, MacDuff ordered the Highlanders and Fusiliers to make one last effort to drive the enemy off the ridge. They took the crest, but not the woods and the cost was too high. As the dusk settled in, a parley was held and both sides agreed to cease hostilities till daylight as stretcher teams began their dreary task.

Will the opposing armies reinforce and fight on in the morning? Or will they manoeuvre again?


  1. Those men with pointy sticks are clearly terrifying!

  2. Another great action, Ross. Reminds one of Lundy's Lane. But without the random reinforcements. I shall have to poach this scenario and try it out sometime.


  3. Great action. I too am most taken by the pointy stick bearing cavalry!
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Of course this one of those gifts that makes me feel like I have to add some infantry...and maybe a gun....

  4. Great game Ross - I also like the new additions

    1. They certainly did their job while still looking spiffy

  5. Rip roaring stuff Ross…
    I do like this collection of yours… It always sets my butterfly fluttering 😁🦋🦋🦋

    All the best. Aly

    1. They're fun and easy to paint and to play with but pressing them into an album could be tricky

  6. Very entertaining action, as ever. Those new chaps may look shiney now but they mave not be so snazzy when the mounties get out their lances! I'm getting really tempted to add some ACW to my 42mm Little Britons

    1. Alas my fictional Mounties are based on the early mounted police (who were originally going to be called Mounted Rifles not Police), so no lance's apart from the pennant bearer

      The Fenian raids in the late 1860s to early 70s saw troops in British uniforms fighting troops in ACW uniforms (mixed in with civy stuff etc) Not alot of good game scenarios but a great excuse for matching ACW vs Victorian Brits whether pseudo historical or fully fictional.

  7. For some reason, the look of this particular game is particularly engaging (that is not to suggest that others you have posted are not: far from it). Was this game played using the underlying grids/squares?

    1. It was. It somehow seems to suit the actual toy soldiers.
