Thursday, January 25, 2024

Allllllmost There!

I'll give these guys a last look over, touch ups, a coat of varnish....and base them, and...they'll be done! 

Then I'll need to cast and paint and base 12 more.......but I'll get this company into action on the table top first. After all, I have a war in hiatus!   


  1. Looking very good, Ross. Can't wait to see the rest of the unit. Hope we'll see them in the environs of Quebec soon!


  2. Look good , I do like the trouble you took in painting the socks , we;; done.

  3. These look great. Hope they will be in action soon.
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. Where is Hiatus? Is that in the Maritimes, or maybe the Caribbean, or Origawn?

    Looking all spiffy and shiny!

  5. Weeeel, these are highlanders, mind ye'. They don't come in bushels. Aye, a company at a time is more than enuf.

  6. Nice work, Ross! They may have been a bit of a challenge, but you must be pleased with the results.
