The Origawn Territory, June 5th in the 2nd year of the NorthWest Rebellion, a column of Rebel Cavalry approaches the sleepy town of Nulparte Junction.
The Rebel cavalry is first on the field. |
Today wasn't quite the day off I expected but the rules are decided on (
in 1 page summary form) and terrain features and placement have been diced for and set up. (
Damned uncooperative dice have left me with a rather more open table than is usually seen in the Origawn but at least I put my foot down at their suggestion of a large steep hill topped by a town and woods in one corner!)
I'm not ready to get into a proper campaign yet and didn't have brain energy and time to devise a scenario so just rolled for entry points and started bringing troops on, cavalry in the lead.
Tomorrow the battle will commence in earnest.
Random entry dice were just as saucy but this will do. |
Nothing innovative in the rules, but a slightly different mix with some elements not used by me in years. If it works, I'll set about a full version.
The Model Major General - A Toy Soldier Wargame
by Ross Macfarlane @6 June 2019
(I wrote this late at night and included a few abandoned off grid mechanisms. Now fixed.)
In the absence of a Game Master (GM) Common sense trumps any rule.
Command. A detached unit or detached Brigadier must take a control check:
5,6 No retreat, may take aggressive action
3,4 Act as player wishes
1,2 No Advance. may retreat
+1 Rash Commander
-1 Fired last turn, Cautious commander.
-1 Unit or Brigade below 1/2 strength.
+1 OR -1 Brilliant Commander or Veteran unit
Movement. Inf, Artillery 12” Cavalry 20” 1/2 turn to occupy or leave a building.
-2” per minor obstacle. 1/2 speed in woods for infantry, column on road ignores terrain
If with 4” of enemy may only move directly towards or away.
Charge may only be ordered vs unit to front.
Shooting Units within 4" may not shoot
1 die per 2 front rank figures/ 1 deployed artillery crew.
5,6 hits
+1 if artillery, sharpshooters etc
+1 if enfilading or firing at dense target.
-1 at long range
-1 vs cover etc
Rifles 8”/12” Musket/Carbine 4”/8” Artillery 12”/36”
Melee Units within 4" must resolve melee whether charge or firefight.
1d per 2 figures. x2 dice for cavalry charging infantry in the open, not in square.
4,5,6 hits +1 Shock troops -1 if attacking over obstacle -1 vs cover
Side taking more hits in melee retreats full move may not move next turn. Rout if below 1/2.
If case of tie attackers falls back 1/2 move.
Morale. Unit below 1/2 strength may not shoot or charge and will break if it loses melee.
At end of turn. Roll 1d6 per figure lost this turn 5,6 return to the ranks.
+1 Elite, -1 Militia etc, -1 lost melee