Monday, April 27, 2020

The Adventures of Prince Micheal: Episode 19


Long ago, when Duke Stephen maintained a garrison at the Storm Watch Beacon Tower, a younger Prince Micheal had often passed long summer days on the Rock, exploring every nook and cranny. In those days, there was a passageway from  a cave at the base of the Rock to a ledge on the sea side . One day, there had been a minor tremor and the ceiling of the passageway collapsed. With the land best by invasions and civil wars, the tower was abandoned soon after.  

Only recently, word had come that Earl Helgin had occupied the old tower.  Prince Micheal's scouts, sent to verify this news, had brought back word that the passageway appeared to have been cleared and put back into use.  This gave the Prince an idea and with the Duke's permission,  a stalwart party set to sea.

The advance party quickly climbed  to the ledge and then descended through the tunnel to the door that now blocked the passage. Swiftly it was unbolted as Micheal's party landed and rushed up from the shore dragging a heavy ram. 

Micheal's party had  crept  ashore unseen in the misty dawn but their luck couldn't hold. As they pulled themselves up onto the hilltop, the alarm sounded, followed swiftly by an arrow striking one of the party. With a loud cheer,  young Kenneth led the storming party forward, lugging the heavy ram as quickly as they could.

The ram was heavy and the enemy's aim true, but the Valdurian archers were sharp eyed as well and more than one defender who leant out too far was brought down. The door to the tower was beginning to yield under the blows of the ram but it had not yet given way when men-at-arms began to join the archers at the battlements.

As the door finally shattered, a loud cheer from below announced the arrival of the Duke's contingent at the wharf. The garrison must have been practicing for such an event though and the catapult on the tower heaved a huge rock, hitting the cog amidships with deadly precision. She did not sink but the seams began to leak and those who were not injured landed in double quick time.  

At last, the door gave way and the young Kenneth led the way up the stairs, cutting down the first  warrior to block his path.

Kenneth was soon reinforced by Micheal and an increasing number of soldiers, pushing forward onto the tower. Micheal himself was dealt a mighty blow by the Captain of the Tower which made his ears ring and blurred his vision momentarily. 

The enemy Captain pressed his advantage, striking Micheal's blocking sword hard, shattering it. Quickly recovering, Micheal stabbed forward with his broken blade, catching his enemy full on the face. When the enemy captain fell, all but a handful of his men threw down their arms.  The tower was once again under the Duke's command.  
Later that evening, the Captain of the Duke's men approached Micheal and after commending him on the success of his mission, asked where the Lady in green was, the one who had sent a Raven flapping eastward from the tower. Michael and Kenneth looked surprised, they had not seen any woman. A quick search showed that she had vanished, none knew where. This had to mean trouble! 

Next episode: Council of War

Note: After the last episode in this story I will post technical details of the game and discuss how the revised rules, did or didn't work. 


  1. Fantastic! You have made a comic that is wonderful to read.

  2. Brilliant photo story, this is a great way to write up game reports.

    1. It seems to particularly suit this collection but it was fun to do and I can see some other places it could fit.

  3. Well done Ross- a most interesting Skirmish. I'd be interested to know the Title of the rules you have used- are they Home Grown? Cheers. KEV.

  4. Exciting stuff ! , shades of 'The Vikings'

    1. I did see that once a decade or 2 ago. Don't remember much about the movie.
