The Dominion Government had a problem. Despite embargoes, road blocks, and patrols, it was becoming increasingly obvious that arms and ammunition were making its way to the Hunters and Q'ree rebels, not to mention the Hunters who had slipped through the other way to join the Rebel army at Rawdon Gap last December. The Intelligence department had come across tales of a pass occasionally used by trappers and traders leading from the northern hills of Origawn to a pass north of Great Sloy Lake.
A mobile column of 3 mounted squadrons supported by a detachment of Horse Artillery was ordered to check it out. As they approached the crest of the pass, scouts came galloping back. Rebels in the pass!
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Initially all that could be seen were some pioneers at work, screened by a few cavalry, but soon more infantry crossed the crest and deployed, followed by a light mountain gun.
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The Mounted Rifles and artillery deployed and opened fire while the cavalry spurred forward. Bullets and shells were soon flying back and forth and men began to fall.
Charge and countercharge raised more dust and excitement as the fight flowed back and forth until the Grey Horsemen were forced back.
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It did not last. The rebel horsemen managed to rally back and their next countercharge scattered the bodyguard.
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Badly outnumbered now, the Government forces had no viable option but to retreat