Thursday, November 25, 2021

ECW Battle Preempts Solo Fantasy and Leads To Building Boom.

 A Game! A REAL game against REAL PEOPLE!  In PERSON! First one since the summer of 2019. 

The game will be ECW hosted by Paul at his house on the other coast...of Nova Scotia, about an hour's drive from here. We'll be using his 25mm army but I'll be bringing along some terrain. The scenario requires a village and a church. I don't have much 25mm terrain anymore, but since the ones I built for my 40's are deliberately under scale and compressed,  I thought they'd do and Paul gave the thumbs up. 

However, I didn't actually have  a

Hammer Hammer Saw Saw...
So, quick and dirty and the cottage is wider than intended...but I think they'll serve. 
Hmm, the cottage wasn't supposed to be that fat! Oh well, once I paint the door it'll serve.
btw, if you're wondering: Yes. In real life my handyman work is just as sloppy and practical.

Well that's the plan for Saturday, which is still 2 days away so anything could happen, but....... 

Our last ECW game, played in October 2018


Meanwhile planning for the  Great Raid continues on the Gathering of Hosts blog.

My 15mm Scots have been idle since they chased the English right out of Nova Scotia so I though a few of them might serve as map markers. 

One way or another, there will be a game this weekend with a battle report to follow!


  1. Looking forward to reading about the battle!

    1. I'll be tickled pink if it happens, it being a good game will be icing on the cake!

  2. I wish summa' younger Calgarian miniatures gamers read this blogt. Last few years, it seems if everything isn't steeped in 28mm and purchased from a figure manufcturer, it just doesn't "rate." (Leaving out the part about taking 3 or 4 months to paint up, say, a church.) Some people refuse to acknowledge painting said church or cottage doesn't have to be like painting the Sistine Chapel. It's revealing how some people get "locked in"...and remain so after you shove their head into the trough of water. (Probably moreso after you do that to them!)

  3. Inquiring Covenanters want to know the outcome . . . .

    1. D&D with the kids, and probably some Christmas decorating . . . .

    2. Very similar then but possibly more mature.....

    3. ....Okay, that's it. I had already barely held off making a D&D wisecrack earlier;

      "I don't see any Orc or other humanoid cave entrances marked on that map!"

    4. Of course not. They are all cleverly concealed.

  4. The church and cottage look fine. Here's to happy gaming!

  5. The buildings look great to me. Have a really enjoyable game! I look forward to hearing about it.

    1. Thanks. I'll be very surprised if there isn't a post by lSat night.

  6. You call them sloppy and here I am marveling at how great they look! Marveling at how you were able to design and build them so quickly - I'd still be floundering about with multiple identical badly done sketches.

    1. It's all a trick.
      The basic technique came from the old Major General’s website, modified to suit my rather sloppy and lazy work. The first couple were a learning experience some 5 years ago, now they are eady enough but I am super sloppy so joints don't quite meet here, and angle is wrong there....etc but they are backdrops for the figures or cover in a wargame and so the eye skips over the faults.

  7. Most Excellent NEWS!

    Down with the King and damn the Roundheads!

    Enjoy your game and we'll be happy to share the images.
