A new year, always as good a time as any to revisit things.
The Satrap caught up with the Duke before they reached the oasis. A running fight ensued. |
PS: For those who haven't noticed, if you click on the pictures you will get the large version.)
There was a time that I was all in favour of having just a few basic rule systems with adjustments for various periods but for much of the last decade I have been struggling to carry out a proposal to have a different style of rules for each collection of figures. This led to far too much time spent tweaking and re-tweaking too many sets of rules for too many collections (I refuse to say projects since I have no formal plans and no goals beyond enjoying the process where ever it goes).
The Roman cavalry managed to hold back the enemy's light cavalry but the Roman infantry had to turn and fight their pursuers before they could attack the Oasis. The Roman archers however, kept themselves busy by shooting arrows into the trees, the bushes, the pool....anywhere except the enemy! |
I don't "do" resolutions but do often think about time past, the present and the near future. Last year I finally started on reducing the number of collections and figures my plan showed as active. Having been reluctant to let go of yet more beloved figures, I have been trying to get as many of my current collections as I could onto the table each year. Alas the only way to get anywhere near to that goal was by constantly changing horses with the usual result of not being able to really "get into" anything or get a proper campaign going, because I was always "flipping the channel".
Casualties mounted on both sides but the Romans could not seem to get closer to the oasis. |
For the the pre-musket era that Morschauser called the "Shock" period, I had three sets of figures and three sets of rules. The Elastolin Prince Valiant figures seemed to call for skirmish rules since I didn't have any. I don't really enjoy roleplaying or skirmish games as much as battle games, so I've struggled constantly with this!
To be honest, I'm much happier just playing a simple conventional game and then using my imagination when writing up the blog posts to turn the game into a tale, adding motives, colour and so on as I write.
For a time the balance hung by a thread but at last the Persians were starting to waver and the Duke was able to order a cohort of legionaries to clean the mercenaries out of the oasis. The Satrap decided not to risk an assault with what remained of his force. |
So, I have decided to roll the clock back 5 years and resume my intention to use an updated version of the Morschauser inspired Gathering of Hosts rules to serve for the 25's, Prince Valiant and my 16thC 40's.
Having played this scenario with constantly fluctuating rules, I'm now updating the rules to cover all three collections ranging from the 5thC to the 16thC as well as medieval fantasy which is how they began 5 years ago. As soon as that is done, I'll replay the scenario.