Monday, May 13, 2024

What's Next? A Model of a woodpile!

A 1:1 scale wood pile as it happens...

Winter Is Coming!

But, don't worry, the work is coming along quickly and I can't do the physical stuff for 12-18 hours a day, so there will be hobby time as well. The  question is: "What next?"

Any requests?  All will be considered.....


  1. Prince Michael &/or the Valley of the Four Winds please.

    1. A worthy suggestion. They only came out once last year (which didn't get posted till February this year!).I'll start thinking about a scenario,
      Actually, this July will be the 50th "birthday" for the Horse Guards.

  2. Atlantics (oberhilse & Faraway) has to be my first choice as I've always enjoyed the setting so much and found it so inspiring. In second place would be rough wooing as another inspiring but different period (when I sold lots of figures last year I kept the Tudors and some of the Scots to do the setting in 25mm) and it seems a long time since this collection has been on the table.
    But I'll look forward to whatever comes our way!

    1. I think the landsknechts are due to earn what pay they have coming, once the little 25mm guys are done.

  3. I know you asked about for game requets, but I just wanted to say, wow, that is an impressive wood pile. My back hurts just looking at it!

  4. I'll second Rough Wooing. Intriguing different and rarely seen in that scale.

    1. I was led astray by a friend and replaced my 15s with homemade 40s, but they are due for a chance to plunder.

  5. Land of 4 winds for me please! I am a sucker for old school fantasy and narrative campaigns.

  6. I am envious of your wood pile - I do likelogs for burning 🔥

  7. Rough Wooding or Valley of the Four Woods. :D

  8. Land of the Four Winds please.
    Alan Tradgardland
