Saturday, July 27, 2024

He's Back! MacDuff's Back!

It's been a while since I've played Horse and Musket games with single figures and I have been struggling to put together a new set of rules to satisfy me. So, eventually, I dug out the appropriate issues of "The Courier"from my shelves, went over my original With MacDuff rules, and started thinking. Then, I reread the post on my last "as printed" MacDuff F&IW game" (See this 2021 battle report post and comments. )  

Note: To my surprise a quick Google came up with Noble Knight Games which is a source of back issues of the Courier at cheap prices (less than $5Ca) including Issue #72 for my With MacDuff To the Frontier F&IW rules and Issue #73, the original Colonial version) (and NO, I don't get any of the money)

(See this 2021 battle report post and comments. ) 

So, I'm now going over them to see what, if anything, needs some meddling with, in order to use them for the Caribbean in the 1790's. 

 You know, sometimes I think I can be almost as inefficient as a real Department of Defense....


  1. Given that Courier issue must have been about 1996/7 and the author commented that some "readers might think the rules old fashioned" don't expect too much Ross ;-) THough I take the view that somethings get better with age!

    1. Apparently I was as smarter then as I thought, if less well informed about life in general, and just as prone to constant fiddling.

  2. Being as inefficient as a real department of defense sets the bar pretty high. I'd try for something like "drunken sailor" or "lottery winner" myself.

    1. I confess that I haven't done the lottery thing yet....
