Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Year 14! The Plan.

WELL, here we are again! Another new year begins!

 (For casual or newer readers, July the 3rd is the anniversary of my 2010 heart attack. (The only one if I can help it!) Celebrating it not only reminds me of a personal revolution in lifestyle, it also reminds me to look at how my New Year plan is going, and to adjust my plans accordingly. (Healthier than I've been in decades thank you, despite coming up on my last 60-something birthday in a few weeks time.)

One ongoing goal is to reduce the number of miniatures and books etc that are cluttering up my room. Some are there as remnants of long ago collections, some because of "haven't got around to" syndrome, others as "excess to requirement" stragglers, and so on. When I do reduce, I do not usually immediately re-home figures and books but wait for a few months/years to see if I miss them or if I've found a way to make them less redundant. However, as life goes on, I am losing patience with the overflow of excess boxes, bins, stacks etc and constant nagging thoughts such as "I really should get around to painting this lot some year" or "I ought to get these guys on the table as long as they're here..." and finally "If I haven't gotten around to these in the last 30 years, what are the odds I'll get them done in the next 10 or 15 years?". 

The truth is that while I'm a bit of a hoarder, and once wanted to do everything of interest to me, as 70-something looms next year, I find that in the 55 years that I've wargamed, I have at least dabbled in pretty much everything that I have had some interest in. However, too many of them were not pursued with the depth I would have liked and too many were taken up to match what friends were doing.  My main desires now are to spend more time on fewer collections, play more mini-campaigns even if they are just a series of scenarios with a narrative link, and reduce duplicating, including that of the "same weapons and tactics, different hats" syndrome.  (See the active collections here:

Almost all rules and plans have exceptions, so I am keeping three 40mm 'Horse&Musket' collections.  Two of these are inspired by, but not recreating, certain wars in my country's history. One is inspired by the British conquest of Acadia and New France, the other was inspired by a mix of the War of 1812 AND the Rebellions of 1837-38. The 3rd one is my Britain vs Revolutionary France collection which has absolutely no reason to still be here except that I put a lot of work into putting it together, mostly converted home cast figures, they reproduce my first 15mm armies in the early 80's, and it allows me to steal scenario ideas from CS Forester's Hornblower" stories, and, well......I like 'em!.

So, there we are. The plan, rather unusually, is only a tweak of last year's plan, but its working for me.


  1. A good plan indeed.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. I haven't quit gotten over not making drastic changes from the existing plan.

  2. Congratulations on year 14 , I amire your planning - if I did a little bit more it would be a good thing.

  3. Many happy returns of your July 3 anniversary Ross.

  4. Ross, since you didnt mention them, are you thinking of getting rid of the Prince Valiant collection? Seems like a lot of work went into that one.

  5. Ross Mac,

    Congratulations on reaching Year 14.

    It looks like a very sound plan and I think that the end result will give you years of fun and enjoyment.

    All the best,


    1. Thanks Bob, One can only push on and take example from those fighting much tougher battles than any I've faced.

  6. And many happy returns! Certainly understand the clutter/clear out urge as time wears on. I've done several culls and it still seems I've got too much left to do. Tough decisions, but for the most part, liberating.

    1. Thanks! So far, having parted with rather a lot more than what is left, I have yet to regret any of the partings despite the good memories that have lingered.

  7. Congratulations on year 14 ! I'm a terrible hoarder. I parted with perhaps 10% last year and really ought to sell / pass on more but, but... I tell myself that new acquisitions are a mere trickle and that's really a form of down-sizing. No, I'm not convinced either.

  8. Congrats on year 14!

    I "should" do more clearing/rationalizing of "stuff", but so far I haven't had enough of a pressing need to do so. I mean, in a previous century I did have some major clear-outs, due to some long distance moves and life changes. And later I wished I still had some of the things I had gotten rid of. I guess since I have settled in more and stayed in one place longer I have been reluctant to part with things. That said, I do occasionally clear out a few books or games or other stuff, but usually acquire more than I get rid of. :P

    1. If I still had a big games room and a group of like-minded, active gamers nearby, and oodles of free time, I might have kept more. I'm surprised that I don't miss any of the collections that left home despite some good memories. Too focused on the newer ones I guess.

  9. Good luck with your future mini-campaigns.

  10. COngrats on year 14...and on your splendid tables!

  11. Happy 14th and many more ahead.
