Thursday, July 11, 2024

Now The Hurley Burley's Done...

 .. I'm not quiet sure if either side lost or won!  Hmmm....


Everything was fine, if not yet decided, but by the end of the last turn both armies were on, or just over, their breakpoint and most of the wagons/herds had been pillaged, at least a little and in a hurry before fleeing. 
So, I'm going to call it a loss for both sides with a slight win for the garrison because a good portion of the goods can be salvaged.

NOTE: If anyone is looking for the last two posts, I've just learned how to accidentally delete posts irretrievably. Well, as Joni sang: "something's lost, but something's gained in living every day".

In the works, an illustrated battle report post and a post about plans and rules and what's going on, 


  1. Replies
    1. Yup. At least they were basically placeholders really.

  2. I was going to say, "Thogail nam bo!? That explains why there are no cattle on Machias Seal Island!" But the post is gone, so I have to be good.

    1. I figured that was because OUR light keepers on OUR island :) got tired of eating fish.

  3. Looks a fun game.
    Never mind the lost posts, things do indeed happen.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. There wasn't anything important in them. It just surprised me that it was so easy to accidently delete them.

  4. Winners, losers... the ones who survive all win.

    1. Except maybe the convoy commander who will inevitably be blamed for the losses and cost. I suspect he wishes he'd at least gotten a few scars to show.
