When planning a sea borne invasion or a January wargame in rural Nova Scotia, one must be prepared for Mother Nature to intervene. A snow storm and blowing winds has cancelled the live play game of Marathon.
I didn't feel like a 3rd solo run through, nor did I feel like doing chores for the entire day, so flipping through BG Issue 1 I came across the pontoon bridge scenario, Since the Persians were still out and are known to have bulit bridges of boats ( a pontoon bridge by any other name) I decided to reset the table. Now, I'm not planning to pursue the Greek & Persian wars so even though i haven't finished planning and preparing my Lydian army or done personalities and all the various esentials prior to undertaking a campaign, I decided that it was time for a provocative invasion of Cappadocia by a largely mercenary and subject Lydian force.
The initial Lydian force (drawn up using the WHAB Greek list) consists of :
1 x 12 javelinmen and 2x24 Thracian peltasts as an advance guard across the river.
1 x 12 archers and 2 light cavalry units, 1 of Thracian mercenaries, 1 of subjects, Ionians perhaps?
and a group of pioneers building the bridge.
The main force comprised:
3 x 12 Heavy cavalry unjts, 1 of Lydian lancers (Thessalians under the list), 2 of subjects
4 x 24 mercenary hoplites
2 x 24 Anantolian spearmen
1 x 12 slingers
1 x 12 light cavalry
The Persian border guard was 6 mercenary Skyhian horse archers,
The relief force, arriving in random fashion inckluded:
2 x 12 heavy cavalry
2 x 12 light cavalry (1 scythian, 1 cappadocian)
1 x 24 Immortals with bow & spear
2 x 24 Persian s with bow & spear
2 x 24 Saka with bow
1 x 24 tribal levies with bow and spear
2 x 12 skirmishers with sling or javelin.
A short report with pictures will appear in a few days.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Contrary Winds

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