Friday, August 26, 2011

MacDuff Retires from the Web

Due to primarily to cuts in the Defence Budget, With MacDuff on the Web will cease to exist on or about Sept 2nd. 2011.

It has moved hosts about 3 times but has been around since about 1997, in the days of dial up modems, scanners for printed photos, rgmh and onelist email groups - the predecessor to yahoo.

1 or 2 bits have been grafted into my blog but the rest is being consigned to oblivion (and back up files).
Also anyone still having my old or email addresses, please delete them. My only valid email address at this time is

Anyway, everyone is welcome to have a last troll through.


  1. Well, my friend, I'm sorry to see that sight go. I've been a big fan and frequent visitor over the years, and have played a game or five of MacDuff in various incarnations too. I enjoy your blog, but this feels a bit like an end to an era.

    Job well done on keeping it afloat for so many years, Ross. Thank you for all the work you put into it.

    Cheers. Will Scarvie

    P.S. Just tried to click through for one last look and it appears to be down already. Sigh.

  2. I had both emails in my address book . . . but I've changed them to your new one.

    Sad to see MacDuff's site disappear, but at least your blog is still here. I do enjoy reading this one. It is often very thought provoking.

    -- Jeff

  3. Blogger is free, and within limits customisable - why not transfer it here???

  4. I feel Steve has an excellent point that you should consider Ross...

  5. Sad but unavoidable in the context, I guess -like your favorite Rock singer having to retire. At least the NQSYW are alive and well in the Bloggosphere.

  6. I'll be sorry to see it disappear - hopefully, as others have suggested, you'll be able to transfer across some of the content.

  7. Ross Mac,

    An understandable but much lamented decision. Perhaps you could find some way of moving some of the pages over to your blog (or perhaps a new blog), but if not, what you continue to write on your blog will keep us up-to-date with what you are doing now ... and in many ways, that is more important.

    All the best,


  8. Hi Ross,
    Sorry to see MacDuff go.
    I hope you at least save your 52 Grant scenarios reports. Very instructive and entertaining.

    Hope all is well.

  9. Thanks to all for The comments. I have actually migrated some of the pagea here over the last month and will probably add more, possibly in a 3rd blog but one existing primarily as background and archive web pages.

    I am trying to reduce my online time.though not increase it!

  10. I fondly remember the early days of the web, when McDuff was one of the early wargaming sites. Over the years, I've visited many times. Don't throw away the content and good ideas, but recycle them!!! My favorite is still all the battles played from the Grant's red scenario book!

  11. Again thanks to all for the comments. I finally occurred to me that I can use a separate blog for the game of the week so I have done so. I am copying the game reports in reverse order so that when complete, they will run from 1 to 52.

    I may set up a NQSYW blog as well and invite Rob Dean to co-author it.

    Any other material I decide to republish will probably go into attached pages like the ones above.
