Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Cannonade of Belmont

Ready for action!

Well, the bases will need to be flocked once I decide on how I want them but they could take the field today if the need arose.

The odds are starting to even out.
Ragged Republican skirmishers and that General next, haven't had a good excuse for painting striped trousers in years.


  1. The gun and crew are nice, but I quite like those dashing cavalry fellows in back - hussars?

    1. les Hussards de la Mort, A short lived volunteer squadron with a good rep. Got folded into a regular regt if memory serves, but I like uniform and it appears in several of my uniform books that include the Fr Rev.

      If you're bored, click the 'Fr Rev' label below the post and you can see them go from raw castings to painted a month or so ago.

  2. Charming and characterful figures - beware the small French artillery officer from Corsica with big dreams!

    1. Indeed, he's going to suck up all the glory if we're not careful.

  3. Beautiful figures. I do like the poses which have the look of a determined gun crew.

    1. With the guy at the wheel I got lucky on the pose. The actual artilery are well done, just very TALL.

  4. Replies
    1. Thay are pretty enough that I'm wondering if they can shoot straight when the dice are rolling.
