Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Making of a Satrap

OK, I  don't know if the Sassinids called their regional governors Satraps or something else but that's what I'm going to call my Persian commander, once he's done that is.

This Persian commander began life as an Elastolin knight. He almost became some sort of Romano-British  cavalryman but today I countermanded the order. His chainmail will be returned to his legs and arms, his helmet will get a plume and a scarf and a spare cloak will fly behind him. He will also get an escort of clibinari or armoured Persian noble lancers with plumes flying and so on. 

These, plus a few light infantry to escort the elephant, and some Hun mercenaries, should be enough for an initial skirmish to test the waters for a minicampaign. 


  1. Cue Star Wars Admiral Akbar saying "It's Satrap!". ha ha

  2. >His chainmail will be returned to his legs and arms, his helmet will get a plume and a scarf and a spare cloak will fly behind him....

    Jeez, this reminds me of rolling up my AD&D Player Character in junior high school. Back then we had "NPCs". Aka retainers to shove in front of us to be eaten/killed first by [fill in Monster Manual's creature here]. Some gaming concepts are universal.

  3. What a dramatic pose , looking fprward to seeing the finished figure .

    1. In this collection, most of the Commanders ride a rearing horse. Its become traditional. I was planning to replace the arm with one pointing up or forward but got lazy.

  4. Looking good Ross…

    A mace would be a very Sassanid weapon… I believe it was also used as a sign of rank.

    All the best. Aly

    1. I did think about cutting the arm off and replacing it with a spare pointing straight up which I cut off a broken figure a few years ago and putting a mace in it was work.

  5. “Satrap” is just darn fun to say. Like “Guelph” or “floof”.

  6. I just feel like saying 'What is the current sitrep re the Satrap'...

  7. Better a Satrap than a least if you find yourself gaming on a golf course...

