Monday, February 28, 2022

Stay Calm and Carry On

Its been a busy week here but I've managed a turn or two, now and again, and tuned up a much quicker,  'brigades as units', game. 

That's done now and hopefully, I'll get a full report on the battle and rules up tomorrow. Then I can focus on a new, very portable, emergency evacuation game in a box. Good for a quick game on a long vacation trip, sitting in the shade at a park, or on my lawn.


  1. "very portable, emergency evacuation game in a box." Sound policy: in extremis, ensure that you have the necessities!

  2. Color me intrigued by the "new, very portable, emergency evacuation game in a box". Every "bug out" kit should have some kind of war game in it!

  3. >'brigades as units', game

    (...uh, is it titled 'Fire & Fury'?)

    1. unnnh NO! I will never again spend 5 hours working through a list of 20 modifiers 50 times a turn!
