Saturday, March 26, 2022

A Close Encounter

Last time, we left the convoy fighting for its life. It had been ambushed by Rebels, the NW Mounted Rifles advance guard had suffered grievous casualties, and the wagons were in dire danger of capture.

The infantry escort deployed and engaged the hunters all along the line while the Mounted Rifles scouted ahead. 

The congestion was hampering the Dominion forces and the occasional bullet was finding its way into the convoy. Gen. Douglas ordered the Bodyguard  to force their way to the front and clear the way.

Job Done! The convoy resumed its forward movement.
The escort was taking heavy losses and the convoy drivers were near to panicking as the sniping continued to take its toll, but they had reached the bridge and desperate action was needed to stop the supplies from going through. The Kree warchief, Buckmaker, studied the enemy and his own warriors who had taken some heavy losses themselves. 

Raising the war cry, Buckmaker led his warriors in a ferocious charge, hoping to overwhelm the remaining guards. The dismounted horsemen stood their ground though and fired rapidly with deadly accuracy. The Chief himself went down with a bullet wound and his warriors had had enough. Carrying their Warchief, they scrambled back to their ponies and rode off. 
The supplies would go through.

Time for bed!


  1. Huzza the fort will eat tonight - saw off those pesky injuns !

    1. Yeah, such cheek, opposing the invading Reds! :) (I'm never sure which side to cheer for in these games!0

  2. That was a rousing good game and battle report. Something should be sent back east to the newspaper to tell this tale of derring-do!


    1. I suspect that the government is doing its best to suppress any suggestion of unrest on this front.

  3. Jolly good stuff indeed…

    All the best. Aly

  4. "Ten little, nine little, eight little Mountiiiies,
    Sev'n little, six little, five little Mounntiiiies,
    Four little, three little, two little Mounntiiiies,
    One little Mounntie leffffffft."

    1. and then there were none (picture suppressed, supposedly no room on the page,,,,

  5. A near run thing for the convoy.
    Good to be back and visiting you blog, been much distracted of late. Glad to see the same high quality of posts one expects here.
    Cheers, MikeP

    1. Happy to see you back Mike. I can well understand life's distractions.

  6. Somebody needs to be sent to the Adjutant!

  7. Beautiful looking game! The guards seem to be somewhat diminished in number. Hopefully they aren't needed for the return trip.

    1. Their medical teams work wonders to get the wounded back on their feet in no time.

  8. Ross, a nice looking game, and also the supply wagons with their drivers.

  9. Replies
    1. It is indeed! One of the original Table Top teasers before it went the Scenarios for Wargames.
