New resin figures from Day of Battle to review and the Scots resume recruiting:
Stay tuned!
The Storm called Fiona has been and gone, leaving a trail of damage as is the wont with these storms. We were lucky. After threatening to move inland, she veered back to sea, wreaking record damage along the coasts of all 5 of the Canadian provinces on our Atlantic coast. Clean up operations have commenced.
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We were sooooooooooo lucky! There are bigger trees, closer to the actual house that could have done serious damage. (They've been on the 'should do something about' list for some 17 years now....) |
Continued from the previous post.
<Note: Click on the pictures to see the larger version of them.>
Without further ado, the Dominion forces deployed and advanced as the Rebels opened fire.
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The attack gets underway. |
The 1st Brigade, composed of the two companies of veteran Highlanders and one of the Rifles, steadily advanced straight up the hill under an accurate fire from rifles and artillery. On the left, the Mounted Rifles moved forward towards the redoubt, dismounted, and began trading fire with it's garrison, while 'A' Battery came forward, unlimbered and added to the din with an effective fire on the redoubt. Col. Ross's Brigade deployed in support of the Highlanders and began to follow them up the hill.
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The terrain breaks up the attack but it continues. |
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The first attack was easily repulsed and General Grey relaxed and lit a cigar, thinking: "This is gonna to be easy". |
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The battle now ranged across the entire front. |
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The Dominion was slowly achieving the unlikely but the sun was sinking low. Did they have time to finish the job? |
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Daunted, by this spectacle with the setting sun glinting on the cold steel, the gunners broke and ran. |
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Overview of the battlefield as the Grey army broke 1/2 way through turn 15, the final turn. |
The long Summer is drawing to a close and the first Hurricane of the season is drawing nigh. I decided that there was time for one last 'Garden Game' before Fall settled in to be followed by Winter. Casting my eyes about, I realized that it was 40's that had done all the outside fighting so far this year. It seemed only right to give the 54's an outing. I had left things with great uncertainty about rules and organization but ended up using an off grid version of the Square Brigadier.
I got the trimmer out, cleared the battlefield and starting thinking about scenarios. My first decision was to not use the knoll that had been central in the two 1790's games played earlier this year. Sighhh. Oh well.
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"Enemy in sight Sir! Looks like they've blocked the roads and may have some troops in those woods on the hill." |
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Brigadier MacDuff: "Hmm.Yes I see them. Looks like a hard nut." |
Having weighed the possibilities, I decided to entrench the gun and a company of infantry in a reboubt across the road. I then posted a company on top of the steep wooded hill, assuming that Red wouldn't be crazy enough to assault up that rugged terrain against an enemy in cover, while being subject to a flanking fire from the gun. I then posted 1 company on a trail that goes up the hill to the south of the knoll and winds up the back of the hill to a farm on the crest. That left me with 1 company of infantry, the Zouaves, and 1 of mounted rifles in reserve around the farm.
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An overhead view of the rebel positions. |
As Brigadier MacDuff, I looked at the options and came up with three options. The first option was "Hey didle diddle" right up the road to storm the battery while screening the enemy on the hill, a potentially bloody option. The second was to threaten the battery, screen the hill, and focus on taking the small redoubt on the back road, sweeping over the hill, through the farm and taking the battery in reverse. Since it was a solo game, I assigned odds and rolled to see what plan to go with. I decided that the backroad seemed like the best route so assigned 4,5,6 to that option. The straight up the road approach had risks but was direct and left many of his troops out of the action unless their general reacted early,so I assigned 2,3 to that option. Lastly, to assault up that steep hill vs an enemy in cover against the center of his line where reserves could easily reach him. That seemed to risk disaster, even if some units were assigned to keep the flanking forces busy but, if successful, it might more or less destroy the defending force and lead to a decisive result in campaign terms, so I assigned that option to "1". Then I threw the die.
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The orders have been issued and the first attack goes in, up the hill...... |
Up Next: The Battle for Plum Run Hill.
It was mid September when Helgin set foot in the new land that they had reached while trying to escape from Prince Micheal. He led a handful of hs most trusted followers to explore the land, seek fresh water and look for game. As they landed, they were surprised by a welcoming committee.
Coming soon to a blog near you!
(Pjila'si means "Welcome" in mi'kmaq, the original owners of the land I live on.)
(Nuthin' up my sleeve...)
I've been dragging my feet on painting up some PA Skraelings to fight some Vikings, or someone. but I've got a few cast and primed. I even added bows to 2 warriors (4 actually except I ran out of wire to finish the second 2.)
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There was a lengthy delay while I looked for informatiom and pondered whether to correct the skraeling castings or leave them be. (things like there being no evidence for the famous "Mohawk" scalplock being worn in the east coast tribes and bows and stone clubs being the most common weapons etc), but I decided to let it slide apart from adding a few bows. (I need more wire!)
Well, they're a little rough around the edges and a fair bit of detail is either rather shaky, simplified, just plain missing, or quietly painted over without cutting and filing, but as glossy toys, they're fine for my purposes and I'm happy to have these figures back in service.
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11th Light Dragoons c1794 (Scruby 40mm ACW with headswap using original homecast head.) |
Of course, this gives the Coalition forces 3 cavalry regiments to the Repulic's single one. I should probably respond by adding some French Cavalry in Bicornes.
But no hobby time today! Instead, it was a glorious summer day down at the waterfront, helping run a fundraising BBQ for the museum. Still, painting has progressed by fits and starts........
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11th Light Dragoons. (W.I.P.) |
Luckily, before I'd gotten too far, I thought to double check that the regiment I'd picked had been one of those which had served under the Duke of York in Flanders. Ummm nope! So, now we see the 11th Hussars, in their Buff facings, getting closer to taking to the table of battle.
This is just one of those weeks when I can't seem to get charged up to work or to game so, I decided to paint. I love these Scuby ACW cavalry, and especially so when they formed my 2 Dragoon units for the Aroostock War Whatif game which appeared at Huzzah 2012.
A shot from my blog battle report of a test game of my 2012 Huzzah! convention scenario. In the foreground are the stars of this post in their 1840's glory days. |
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And a shot of the redesigned game as played from my Huzzah 2012 blog post. (Blue Dragoons being off camera somewhere) |
Another view of the Huzzah game, stolen from Normans's Junkyard Planet blog which also has some pics of our joint Ango-French 16thC game. (and yes that hermit with the involuntary tonsure is me.) |
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Scruby ACW cavalry in their 3rd role (apart from the trumpeter who is a new Merten plastic recruit). |
A squadron of the 11th Light Dragoons should be ready for Flanders in 1793-5 by the weekend.
At last, the three sample F&IW figures are done.
First the Pro's: The figures are a good match in size and style to various popular 40mm ranges. The bodies and heads look too thick to me but so do 90% of other ranges and many gamers prefer it so I'll accept it. The resin takes paint well, is easy to trim or modify and seems to hold well with super glues. Having some separate parts, heads, some arms and weapons etc., helps those who like to customize figures.
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Perhaps near Fort Beausejour, or Louisburg, or Quebec... |
Its been a hot, busy, week and now its September! Still a little bit gets done here and there and soon the last 3 sample 3d figures from Day of Battle will be finished.
Today I finally tackled one issue that I've been avoiding, what the bleep is this chap supposed to be carrying? Looks more like a fantasy weapon that any halbard that I've ever seen!
Today I finally made a decision. Whatever it was meant to be, its only resin and with a few snips and some sanding......its close enough for my work.
Should get these guys finished Friday, or Sunday....