We gotta machine-gun, you ain't got one; We gonna win this war. We gotta machine-gun, you ain't got one; You gonna be beat full sore. We gotta machine-gun, you ain't got one; You'll shake to your marrow's core. We gotta machine-gun, you ain't got one; You won't wanna fight no more.
We gotta machine-gun, you ain't got one;
ReplyDeleteWe gonna win this war.
We gotta machine-gun, you ain't got one;
You gonna be beat full sore.
We gotta machine-gun, you ain't got one;
You'll shake to your marrow's core.
We gotta machine-gun, you ain't got one;
You won't wanna fight no more.
But they will, they will!
DeleteThey also serve who sit and sculpt.
ReplyDeleteNice bit of work there.
Curious to see it in action - I will wait!
Could be a few weeks before its in action