Friday, June 21, 2024

Defaulters: Case of the Missing Blog Roll.

 Sahh! Commissary Hull reporting as ordered! Sahh!

"Well sergeant, can you explain to me why our posted blog list ceased being available to the general public  and why I was not informed of this" 

    "No Sir! I was unaware Sir! Worked just fine on base Sir! Received no complaints sir!"

"Well Sergeant, I HAVE been informed, and the good Captain here has now fixed it for you! In future keep a closer eye on things and ask for help should you need it"

"Sergeant Major, make a note in the log, Commissary Sergeant to be confined to base for two weeks, stoppage of rum ration, and barred from the nco's club for that turn. Carry on!"

    "Sahh! "Defaulter! About FACE! Quick MARCH!"

(Sorry about that folks and a BIG thank you to those friends have let me know the blog list wasn't working for anyone but me. Problem has been resolved but  one never knows when another glitch happens so, please feel free to enquire or notify me whether by comment or email, carrier pigeon, etc. if something's not working for you of if you have suggestions or questions.)



  1. Probably Blogger trying to "improve" itself !?

    1. Nope just me having screwed things up when rearranging things.

  2. Ross Mac,

    How did you solve the problem?

    All the best,


    1. I had messed up moving them from their old position to where all the other links were but I bot he'd it and it somehow became private. Had to redo it from scratch.

  3. I thought you had said “Bog Roll”….
    A whole different scenario there 🤣🤣🤣

    All the best. Aly

  4. Strange indeed are the ways of Blogger!

    1. I don't think I can blame blogger on this one, strictly user error.

  5. I think tech stuff was created by a secret AI with the intent to mess things up in small increments and thus force humans to squander their time trying to fix errors rather than on methods to defeat the secretive AI.

    1. or they use a random number generator to select the Victim of the Day.

  6. Pleased to see the Blog Roll back. A great portal of links each morning.
