Sunday, June 30, 2024

News Flash: Convoy to Ft. Henry Ambushed!

 Renegade Kree have broken the truce! 

Her Majesty has summoned the house. 

Does this mean war or can the treaty be saved?    

That hopeful day 18 months ago.

More details of the fighting to follow!


  1. Renegades perhaps but I can't help but feel like either Origawn or Oberhilse has their hands in this.

    1. We may never know but perhaps you have noted that the young chief in the Yellow bonnet who is standing back with his hands on his belt while the old chief performed the rituals to seal the truce, was the leader of the ambush.....

  2. Really like the visuals. I have some cowboys and Indians on the work bench, old figures needing TLC prior to returning to battle. I am hoping to field them as allies against my redcoats in games set in Maple Leaf County.
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. P.s forgot to ask , will you be making the rules you are using for this game available to us soon?
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. This is simply not cricket!

    Her Majesty expects a swift response to return peace and tranquillity to her Dominion (which means it's time to break out the big guns!)
