Saturday, June 8, 2024

Rainy Day Soldiers

 We're all but promised a few rain showers over this weekend, and I'm sure we all no what THAT means!  (rain-holiday from lawn and garden duties etc). 

The question is: What shall I play tomorrow?  All suggestions and requests will be considered whether comments,  even anonymous ones, or emails.    

At the moment, I'm leaning towards getting my revived Oberhilse and Faraway troops out again.

I've also been revisiting my plans for my remaining collections. One change is that despite my desire to set games in my province, apart from the two sieges of Louisburg, it was almost all small but bloody skirmishes between raiding parties and the defenders of their targets or else smaller sieges such as Ft. Beausejour or Ft. Anne. 

My toy soldiers want something larger and more noble with no harm to non-combatants etc etc. and without harm to non-combatants where possible, So I've moved my alternate Acadia setting from my primary list to the secondary list, meaning I'll keep working on the figures and will put them on the table when in the mood, whether its tomorrow or next year.  I still have two companies of Highlanders to cast and paint and summer is the best season for hand casting. I'm sure their arrival will trigger a desire to see the full battalion in action.


  1. Faraway and Oberhilse - Yeah!!

  2. I agree with Brian!
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. Seeing your teaser pics. make it 3 votes!

  4. Hmmm i voted for Prince Valiant but it vanished!

  5. Onward. Lets smell the black powder.
