Colonial Rules) SEP 95
These rules were
published in the Courier Issue #73. The Courier, (IMHO a great wargaming
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. The Rules
1. Organisation
2. Sequence of
3. Command Control
4. Formations
5. Movement
6. Charging
7. Terrain
8. Small Arms
9. Artillery
10. Casualties
11. Melee
12. Morale
13. Engineering
14. Errata
15. Peshwar Gazette (Battle
Reports from the NW Frontier)
15. New Durban Times (Battle Reports
from Africa)
I Introduction
This introduction is a slight modification of the introduction published
with my French & Indian Wars rules which were developed from this set.
These rules may look a little old fashioned but they represent the culmination
of 25 years of wargaming ranging from Don Featherstone and Lawford and
Young through WRG and on to Fire and Fury and Armati with many other stops
along the way including 10 years of playing only with homegrown rules. My
aim has been to create a game which has an historical flavour, is easy
and enjoyable to play after a hard week's work, rewards historical tactics and
gives a believable outcome to actions.
To further this group of divergent aims, ground and figure scales have been
kept flexible and some things are done for the look or ease of play rather than
as my best scientific simulation. For example after many bad and some good
experiences with seperate charge morale tests, I decided to combine the
effects of fire, and morale (including the threat of the bayonet) into an old
fashioned melee even though troops rarely crossed bayonets. Basically
both sides will suffer disorganisation and casualties and one side will
run away. Whether the bulk of the losing side actually ran before the charge
struck home or not is not really important in the long run. It is just a
mechanism that is fun, lends colour and gives an appropriate result in
the end.
1.2 Scales and basing. Time, ground and figure scales are flexible
but have been balanced to achieve the desired effect.
I have used companies of 6 to 12 figures giving a figure scale of about 1:10
but reduced the number of companies per battalion dropping the overall
scale to about 1:20 for large games. For scenario design assume 6 turns per
hour and 1 inch per 10 yards if fighting a small skirmish, 1 inch per 20
yards if fighting larger actions. Any distortions of ground and figure
scales this flexibility implies has no practical effect on the game.
Regardless of scale, figures should be treated as if individuals not as groups
of men. Normally all figures should be individually based, but, multiple bases
and casualties markers or rosters may be used.
1.1. General Rule. Figures must be organised into units with a
leader and assigned to the command of a general. Units may not be reorganised
during a battle and must stay together. A leader and up to 3 figures may be
detached in open order to act as a scouting patrol. Native refers to non
Europeans fighting in their own armies as opposed to those enlisted in Imperial
armies. Imperial refers to the forces of European or American powers. Regulars
are drilled according to European methods with a fixed comamnd structure. All
artillery is regular. All other units whether disciplined Zulus, wild Afgan
tribesmen or European volunteer cavalry are Irregulars. All units whether
tribes, impis or battalions may be referred to as regiments for simplicity.
Likewise native leaders may be refered to using equivalent European titles such
as Colonel or Brigadier or they may use native titles.
1.2. Irregular Infantry. An irregular infantry unit consists of 1 leader
and 19 other figures. All figures must try to stay within 12" of their
leader. Normally no more than 1/2 of an irregular unit will have fire arms.
1.3. Irregular Cavalry. All irregular cavalry is light cavalry. Even
if some figures carry lances, they do not get the lance bonus due to their lack
of order. Irregular cavalry units are composed of a leader and 9 to 19 men.
1.4. Regular Infantry. A regular infantry regiment consists of a
mounted colonel, a musician, and 2-4 companies each with an officer, an nco and
6-10 other ranks. As long as a company is within 12" of the colonel or his
replacement, it is treated as part of the regiment for morale. If it is farther
away it is treated as an independant unit. Companies do not have to adopt the
same formation. A sergent-major and/or a standard bearer may be added to the
regimental head quarters to represent units with higher morale or staying
power. If only 1 company is fielded the colonel can not be fielded. Composite
regiments composed of companies from different regiments get a colonel but no sergeant
major, musician or standard bearer.
1.5. Regular Cavalry. A cavalry regiment is composed of a Colonel, a
trumpeter and 2 squadrons each with an officer, an NCO and 6-10 other ranks.
Light cavalry may be lancers.
1.6. Artillery. An artillery battery consists of an officer and 2 gun
sections each with a gun crewed by a junior officer or NCO and 3 crew. Heavy
artillery requires a 5 crew instead.
1.7. Engineers. An engineer company consists of an Engineer officer,
an NCO and up to 6 sappers and miners.
1.8. Generals. A general is required to command each side. If there
are 4 or fewer regiments this will be a brigadier equivalent. If there are 5 or
more units, a brigadier may be fielded for every 2-3 units and a division
commander may be added as commander in chief. Larger battles are not envisaged.
Irregular generals may be accompanied by a drummer and standard bearer. They
may be attached to one of his units to assist in rallying, but, may not leave a
unit once attached.
2.1. General rule. Draw cards from a deck one at a time. As each card
comes up one unit is activated. Imperial units act on red cards, native units
on black cards. When activated a unit takes a control check if required then
moves and/or shoots or passes. Each unit completes its action before the next
starts. Detachments will act on the same card as their parent unit even if
seperated. A unit which has been charged may react but is then pinned until the
melee is resolved. After all units have acted or passed, resolve melees bewteen
units in contact.
3.1. General Rule. Units within 24" and in sight of their
brigadier are deemed to be in control and may be moved as he commands (subject
to morale and movement restrictions). Units which are not in control must take
a control check unless shattered.
3.2. Control Check. Roll 1 die and consult the following chart:
Cavalry and irregulars without firearms charge the nearest
enemy if any are within reach. Other troops stand and shoot.
Act as the player desires
No advance. The unit may retreat.
3.3. Attached Leaders. The senior leader attached to the unit may
influence the die roll according to his personality. Rash leaders always add, cautious
leaders always subtract, bold leaders may add or subtract, indecisive leaders
neither add nor subtract. Company or irregular officers add or subtract 1,
higher officers add or subtract 2.
3.4. Personality. On the first occasion it needs to be known roll 1
die for each officer and consult the following chart.
Rash Leader
Indecisive Leader
Bold Leader
Cautious Leader
4.1. General Rule. All the figures of a unit must normally be kept together
in a recognised formation and must act together.
4.2. Skirmishers. Any infantry may deploy as skirmishers in 2 ranks
with 1" to 2" between figures.
4.3. Mass. Any troops may form a mass 3 or 4 ranks deep with up
to 1" between figures. This is the only formation shattered units may use,
and the only close order formation that irregulars may use.
4.4. Line. Any regular troops may form line 2 deep with all
figures touching. Normally a regiment in line will form with all companies side
by side. It is allowed to deploy with each company in line but lined up one
behind the other. This is basically an assault column. it moves as a line but
is easier to manouvre and adds depth to an attack on a narrow front.
4.5. Column. Any regular troops may form column 2 wide with all
figures touching.
4.6. Square. Only regular infantry and dismounted cavalry may form
square. A multi-regiment square is not treated as a single formation. It is
composed of units in line and or column each moving on their own card.
5.1. General Rule. The distance a unit can move is based on a fixed
portion plus a random factor. It can be further reduced by shooting, terrain
and formation. Infantry and cavalry may shoot then move half a move. See the
shooting rules for the effect on their shooting.
5.2.Irregular Infantry. Irregular infantry could move quite rapidly
but lacking discipline might not move when their general desired. Their close
order formations were not tightly ordered, therefore they move the same speed whether
skirmishers or in close order.
Irregular infantry move 6" + the score of 2 dice.
5.3. Regular Infantry. Regular infantry was slowed by the need to
keep order but their disciplined movement was more predictable. Skirmishers had
less need of order than troops in line but were strictly contolled and
therefore move the same speed as troops in line. Troops were formed in column
when they needed to move any distance as the narrow formation was easier to
manouvre, therefore our columns move faster. Squares were very difficult to
move while maintaining formation and are therefore penalised.
Regular infantry move 6"+ the score of 1 die.
Regular infantry in column add 3" to their move
Regular infantry in square move at 1/2 speed.
5.4. Cavalry. Cavalry's speed was affected by the need, even for
irregular cavalry, to keep order and to preserve their horses. Irregular light
cavalry tended to use hardy mounts and had less need to keep order, while
regular light cavalry was practised at manouvering quickly and carried less
weight than their heavy counterparts. Light cavalry will therefore be able to
move faster than heavy cavalry. All cavalry usually charged at the gallop by
this period therefore charging cavalry get a bonus. They must rally on the next
turn even if they do not contact the enemy.
Light Cavalry moves 18" plus the score of a die.
Heavy Cavalry moves 12" plus the score of a die.
Charging cavalry may add 6" to their move.
5.5. Manhandled Artillery. Artillery pieces may be manhandled by
their crews. Machine guns were mounted on light carriages and were easily
manhandled. Other artillery normally used limbers or pack animals to go any
distance. If an artillery piece has less than 1/2 its full crew, it cannot be
manhandled unless some infantry are assigned to assist.
Machine guns may be manhandled 3" plus the score
of 1 die.
Other artillery may be manhandled the score of 1 die in
5.6. Limbered Artillery. Pack artillery and heavy guns take a full
turn to limber or unlimber. Other guns may move full and unlimber, limber and
move full or unlimber and fire.
Pack animals, heavy artillery and wagons move 6"
plus a die
Other limbered guns move 12" plus the score of a
5.7. Changes of Direction. Units may retire or take ground to the
flank, facing the enemy at half speed or may turn and retire a full move. They
must spend a full turn to face the enemy again and reorder their ranks. Other
changes of facing must be done by wheeling or as part of a formation change.
5.8. Changing Formation. Only regular infantry need to change
formation. Irregulars may close up or spread out as they move. Regular infantry
take 1/2 a move to change formation including a 90o turn when changing between a
line and column. Mounting/dismounting cavalry takes a half a move, not
including a formation change.
6.1. General rule. A unit must declare its intention to charge and
whether or not it will fire first, before rolling its movement dice. Its target
must then announce its reaction. The charger may then wheel up to 45o then must
move straight toward the target, moving figures into contact with enemy.
Counter chargers move simultaneously. The chargers may break formation or close
up as they charge so long as no individual moves more than their maximum
movement. Now resolve firing, if any, from the defending unit. Casualties may
be taken from the rear ranks if any. The defenders may now move figures upto
1" to contact attackers.
6.2. Reactions. A unit which is rallying this turn, which is
shattered or which has already acted may not react to a charge. A unit which
passed or which has not yet acted may react as follows:
Skirmishers may fire and retreat or retreat a full move.
Regular infantry may form square.
Cavalry may counter charge, wheeling up to 45o first
Any troops may stand, firing if able
6.3. Reserved Fire. Infantry which moved upto 1/2 move and artillery which
did not move may choose to reserve fire when they act. In this case they may
conduct their fire when they are charged. If they are not charged they lose
their fire. Note that the number of figures eligible to fire may be reduced if
the unit moves.
7.1. General Rule. Any terrain other than a flat plain disrupted the
movement of cavalry, artillery and regular infantry in close order. Some
terrain is even more of an obstacle while other types can provide cover from
fire or sight.
7.2. Difficult Terrain. Steep rocky slopes, swamps jungle and other very
difiicult terrain is impassable to horses, wheeled vehicles and close order
formations. They can only be crossed by skirmishers moving at half speed, or
infantry columns and pack mules following a trail.
7.3. Broken Terrain. Woods, brush, soft sand, steep or rough slopes
and similar may be crossed by all troops.
Skirmishers and irregular infantry may move at full
Other infantry and pack mules may move at half speed.
Cavalry, artillery and wagons may move at 1/4 speed.
Camels are unaffected by sand.
7.4. Linear Obstacles. Streams, river fords, ditches, hedges
and low walls or fences take half a turn for infantry and cavalry to cross.
Artillery and wagons take a whole turn to cross. They leave a gap in walls,
fences and hedges which can be used by any column, wagon or gun without
penalty. Very high walls or deep ditches can only be crossed in pioneers spend
a turn to prepare a crossing point. Troops in column can then cross as if over
a minor obstacle.
7.5. Villages. Villages are represented by a group of buildings on a
base. Towns are represented by several villages seperated by a road. Only
infantry may enter a village. They immediately loose all formation and move as
individuals at half speed. They may not move through solid walls; they must
enter the village and any interior rooms through doors, windows or breaches.
7.6. Roads. Roads are only useful to artillery, wagons and regulars
in column. Troops on a road ignore off road terrain. Troops on a secondary road
add 50% to their movement. troops on a highway may double their move. If a road
crosses a steep hill road units move at normal speed.
7.7. Concealment. Native units may be deployed in concealment at the
start of a game and kept off table until they are spotted or they move or fire.
Unless an umpire is available, place a marker when they move to show their
location, they may not be fired on or charged unless spotted. Massed troops may
be concealed in brush, forest, jungle, villages or dead ground. Skirmishers may
also hide in rocky areas and scrub. Dead ground should be defined when the
terrain is laid out. Units within 6" may always see each other. Spotting
is done prior to moving or firing. Each unit may attempt to spot into one area
of concealing terrain within 12". Roll 1 die and add the fieldcraft rating
of the spotting unit. If the result is 6 then any enemy have been spotted.
7.8. Field Craft. Units with field experience or composed of men from
the fronteirs were more adept at scouting than units fresh from Europe. This is
measured by giving Imperial units field craft ratings of 1, 2 or 3.Most
European imperial units would be 1 with some veteran units and most sepoy type
units being 2. 3 is reserved for Gurkhas and frontier light horse or the like.
8.1. General Procedures This period saw, first the wide spread
introduction of percussion rifles, then the deployment of breachloading weapons
that significantly increased infantry firepower. These rules do not cover the
introduction of modern smokeless magazine rifles which changed the face of
battle. Roll 1 die for each 2 eligible figures. Count remainders of 1/2 or
more. Two ranks of figures may fire. The target must be within 45
of straight ahead and must be visible. If charged a unit must fire at the unit
charging it, otherwise it must fire at the nearest eligible enemy. Firing uses
1/2 a move.
8.2. To Hit. At
close range 4,5 or 6 will inflict a hit. At
range 5 or 6 will inflict a hit.
Smoothbore Carbines
Smoothbore Muskets
Jezzails/Rifled Carbines
8.3. National Modifiers. Boers and Metis add 1 to their dice. Other native
units subtract 1 from their shooting dice when fighting the British. This
variously reflects lack of training, shortages of ammunition and just generally
British good luck. They often got off light when under heavy fire.
8.4. Muskets. The term muskets includes all muzzle loading small arms
including rifled muskets and cavalry carbines. Although a musket could easily
be fired and reloaded in 30 seconds by even an average soldier, they were
slower to fire than breechloaders especially for skirmishers trying to stay
under cover. To represent this muskets take 1/2 a turn to fire. When a unit
fires mark the unit with a smoke cloud to indicate that some figures will now
be unloaded. This will remain untill the unit rallies. The options available to
the unit are as follows:
a. Standstill and fire all figures
b. Fire 1/2 the unit and move ½.
c. Regulars in close order who have not fired since
they last rallied may opt to fire all figures then move half. Mark them
with 2 smoke
clouds, they cannot fire again
until they rally.
d. Early rifles firing patched ball take a whole
turn to reload. They must use option c even if skirmishers. Once they fire,
they may elect not to use patched
balland may then commence to be treated as ordinary smoothbores. They may only
regain rifle
status by rallying.
8.5. Breechloaders. Breechloaders could be reloaded much easier than
muzzle loaders. Troops with breechloaders may fire all figures and move half or
may stand fire twice.
8.6. Repeaters. Early magazine rifles could put out a much higher
rate of fire for a short period of time, however, prior to the introduction of
magazine chargers, reloading was a lengthy process. Magazine rifles may operate
as ordinary breechloaders or they may choose to stand and fire four times. If
so they must rally before firing again.
8.7. Pistols. Early pistols will be ignored and only revolvers will
be counted. They have a very short range but allow a single officer to roll 1
die for hits.
8.8. Spears. Thrown spears are included as part of charge resolution.
8.9. Mounted Fire. Only light horse or irregular cavalry can fire
mounted. They use the normal rules for their weapon type but need to score 6 to
9.1. General Rule. Artillery did not improve as drastically during
this period. There was a gradual switch from smoothbore cannon to rifled guns
but muzzleloaders remained in service along side breechloaders with field
trials showing little to choose between them for speed or functionality.
Artillery targets must be within 45
o of straight ahead and must be
visible. If charged a battery must fire at the unit charging it, otherwise they
may pick their target. Artillery may not fire then move. Horse Artillery may
unlimber then fire. Heavy guns may only fire on alternate turns.
9.2. Cannister. At close range all guns fire cannister. Roll
1 die
per gunner needing 4,5,6 to hit for smoothbores, 5,6 for rifles. Native
artillery deducts 1 from all dice. When firing cannister against a
battalion or company square, roll double the normal number of dice. Errata
12" for all guns
9.3. Shot and Shell. At long range ammunition is assumed to be a
combination of shot and shell or shrapnell. Measure the range to the target in
feet then roll 1 die per gun needing to score equal to or greater than the
range to hit.
Rifled guns +1 to the die to hit.
Mountain guns and 6 pdrs -1 to the die to hit.
Native artillery -1 to the die
If a hit is scored roll 1 die per 2 crew needing 4,5,6 to hit.
Native artillery deducts 1 from all dice.
9.4. Machine Guns. Early machine guns were prone to jaming when most
needed. Roll 1 die before firing a score of 1 or 0 means the gun has jammed and
may not fire this turn. Machine guns have a range of 24". If there is no
jam roll 1 die per crew needing 4,5,6 to hit. Native crews subtract 1 from all
9.5. Breaching Walls. When artillery scores 6 when rolling for effect
against a wall or building, a breech 1 figure wide is created. Heavy guns
create a breach on a score of 5 or 6.9.6 Line of Sight
10.1. General Rule. Close order infantry in the open suffer 1
casualty for each hit.
10.2. Cover. Troops behind hard cover suffer 1 casualty for every 2
hits on the unit from shooting. Native units may claim cover from small arms
fire, but not artillery, if they are in brush or rocks.
10.3. Skirmishers. Skirmishers were harder to hit because they were
dispersed and making maximum use of cover. Therefore, skirmishers remove 1
casualty for each 2 hits when being fired at. This is cumulative with the
reduction for cover.
10.4. Cavalry. Cavalry usually suffered less shooting than infantry
for several reasons. They tended to be in less dense formations and moved
quickly while under fire and were thus not a target for as long as well as
being harder to hit. Many of the hits were on the horses who would often carry
on after wounds that would send a man out of the ranks. There also tended to be
less straggling than in the infantry, if a man went down he was on his own as
the regiment swept on as opposed to the infantry who would be helped to the
rear by 1 or more comrades. Therefore cavalry suffer 1 casualty for each 2 hits
from shooting.
10.5. Artillery. When artillery is fired on the hits may fall on the
gun, the crew or the animals. Batteries normally contained enough horses to
enable the guns to be moved even if some were hit, but there could be a delay
while horse were redistributed. For each hit against artillery roll 1 die. A 6
means the gun was hit if the hit was from artillery the gun is destroyed
otherwise there is no effect.A score of 4 or 5 means a draft animal has been
hit. The gun may not move limbered this turn. A score of 1,2 or 3 makes a crew
figure a casualty.
10.5. Remainders. If there is a remainder of half or more, place a
casualty marker by the unit. If the unit receives a second casualty marker,
remove both markers and a casualty. Ignore fractions of less than 1/2.
10.6. Risk to leaders. If a leader (including musician or standard
bearer) is a target or is with a unit which suffers casualties, roll one die.
If a 6 is scored a leader is hit. If several leaders are with a unit dice with
an even chance for each to be hit.
11.1. General rule. Dice for each pair of opponents in contact. If
one side's score is 2 higher than their opponent than 1 opposing figure is hit.
11.2. Die Modifiers.
+1 Imperial Infantry/cavalry
+1 Lancers or heavy cavlry charging
+1 Defending obstacle
+1 2 vs 1 (2nd figure must touch the enemy)
x2 Cavalry charging infantry not in square or cover, or
halted cavalry
11.3. Resolution. The side with the highest casualties from shooting
and melee combined retreats a 1/2 move facing the enemy. If the original fight
is a tie, cavalry which charged will pass though the enemy using any unused
movement from their charge. Other troops will stand and fight again. Casualties
may be replaced from rear ranks. If there is no result after a second round of
combat, the charger must retreat a half move. Both sides must rally after a
12.1. Shattered Units. When a unit suffers very heavy casualties it
loses spirit as well as manpower. When a regiment, battery, tribe or detached
company falls below 1/2 strength it becomes shattered and must immediately
retire a full move in disorder unless surrounded. On its next move it must
rally. If still shattered after rallying, it must retreat off the field of
12.2. Surrounded Units. If a unit is surrounded and cannot retreat
without approaching closer to some enemy then it may stand and fight until an
opening appears. Once per turn the enemy may call upon the unit to surrender,
both sides roll a die with the surrounded unit adding 1 for each attached
leaders and 1 if the regimental standard is present. The highest score decides
whether or not the unit will surrender. If a way becomes clear the unit must
retire .
12.3. Recovery. If a shattered unit recovers enough casualties to
rise above half strength, it ceases to be shattered and may operate normally
until it falls below 1/2 strength again. A shattered company may rejoin its
parent regiment. The status of the regiment is then based on the entire
12.4. Rallying. Rallying represents the regrouping of troops by their
officers. Units must rally after a melee, when shattered, and may rally to
recover casualties or reload. A unit may rally on the spot or fall back 1/2
move while rallying and may include a free facing or formation change. The unit
may not shoot, evade or countercharge while rallying. The unit must end up in
line or square if regular or in mass in irregular.
12.5. Casualty Recovery. Casualties include stragglers, men helping
wounded comrades and lightly wounded or stunned men as well as serious
casualties. Some of these may be recovered, therefore, when a unit suffers
casualties, put them in a holding area. When the unit next rallies it may
attempt to recall casualties to the ranks if it has any leaders attached.
For each casualty in the holding area roll 1 die, on a score of 6 the
figure rejoins his unit. Commanders were often able to inspire their men, if a
bold or rash general has joined a unit to rally it, add 1 to the die. Martial
music has long been used to stir men's spirit and many acts of heroism have
been done out of devotion to a unit's or countrys colours. If there is a
musician or standard bearer with the unit 1 may be added to the die. Any
casualties which fail their roll are permenantly lost. Most armies attempted to
rescue their wounded, particular Imperial forces facing enemies who did not
take prisoners. On occasion, however, if units were under too much stress the
men panicked and abandoned thier comrades. If a unit loses a melee and is
shattered in the same turn, all casualties currently in the holding area are
taken by the enemy and become permenantly lost.
13. Engineering
13.1 General rule. An engineer officer and a tool wagon
must be present to supervise engineering tasks and provide materials. Only
trained sappers may build a pontoon bridge or lay demolition charges. Any
troops or conscripted civilians may be used for other tasks. Engineering tasks
may not be conducted by shattered units or by units which shoot, move or which have
been engaged in mellee during the turn. The owning player announces when that
group is activated that they are working. If at the end of the turn they have
not been disturbed then 1 period of work is completed.
13.2 Tasks. The time taken for each task is as follows.
a) Build pontoon bridge if materials available: 1" per turn.
b) Lay demolition charge. 1 turn. When ready roll 1 per charge to find the
damage inflicted. 6 points are required to damage a wooden bridge,
12 points are required to destroy a wooden bridge or damage
a stone one, 24 points are required to destroy a stone bridge. A damaged bridge
may only be crossed by infantry moving at 1/2 speed.
c) Repair a damaged bridge: 1d6 turns.
d) Construct a redoubt to hold a gun or company: 6 turns.
e) Cut a road through a hedge or wall 1 turn.
f) Fortify a village: 3 turns.